Whether you have kids or not don't miss out on truly a beautiful park! Come lend us your support as we grow even larger towards 2011! The more support we get the more the kids benefit with new events coming up in 2011!
We want to invite everyone in the community to our Run4life Picnic 2010. Everyone is invited and if you have kids bring them out. There are many activities for kids and adults alike. Paddleboats, soccer, baseball, hiking/running trails, volleyball, badminton, a playground for kids,etc...We hope to see you there!
When: Saturday July 24th 5pm-9pm
Where: Everest Park Auburn NY
Park Information at
http://www.championsforlife.org/everest_park.htmlDIRECTIONSIf you now where Owasco lake and Emerson Park is then you are not far away. From Auburn. Continue Past Emerson Park. Continue driving past Owasco lake watershed. Take Left on Swartout Road. Take Swartout to the end. Swartout intersects with North Road. Take a right on North Road. About .10 a mile on the right is Everest Park. Look for the giant logs in the air. Drive up hill. You will see a house on left. Continue all the way till stone road ends and park.
For information call me at 315-209-5044