Monday, August 31, 2009

Why Rest is Important? TW2G Day #8:

“Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.” -Ralph Marston

Why Rest is Important?

I am no genius or speedster when it comes to running but I have become good at teaching newcomers. The big issue I see with nearly everyone is rest. They are all excited about their programs. (Yes Kevin I remember you yelling at me about the same thing and it's finally sunk in) I sometimes hear stories from people saying they were on this workout program or that workout program and burned out. The common thing I find is they were doing too much. You can have the best workout plan in the world and it is worthless if you don't plan proper rest into it. Rest is just important as that speed day is. When the body says No, You won't go!

Read this article below about rest in training programs.

TW2G Day #8: Speed Intervals

I felt fresh off a REST day yesterday and it showed today. My legs started off a bit weary but on the hard workouts they came through for me.

Workout #1: 3 Mile Run
Workout #2: 10 x 100 meter intervals (100 meter rest intervals in between)
Workout #3: 10 Step Ab-Core Workout

Change to 10 Step Ab Core

Because the side step portion of it is not only hard balance wise for some but it is hard to find an adequate step to do side ways sprints and hoists. So I have replaced it in the workout with 100 stairs as the last workout of the day.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

TheRun4Life Challenge 10 Weeks to a New You

"The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can." -Robert Cushing

TheRun4Life Challenge 10 Weeks to a New You

I encourage all of you to jump in and scramble to this program. I have to give credit to Stacy Burns for giving me the feedback on this program. I will now be offering personal training and group training services starting September 13th. The first meeting for all those interested will be September 13th at 10am. Meeting will be at Holland Stadium. I know that many a person over the last year I have written free plans for 5k's, 1/2 and full marathons. I now have to see if I can save my financial state with charging for the services from here on in.

Printable Flyer Link Web Link

Program Information & Pricing:

Program Design: If you just want a program designed for a 5k, 1/2 marathon or marathon. $50 for design only.

Personal Training

$150 per month. This will give you daily access to me and your running program. I will workout with you 2 times weekly and work on your fitness goals with you. (includes design of your program)

20 Week Group Program: Meetings Every Saturday (TBA)

$250 for 20 week program with group Practices will be held every Sunday at 10am. Depending on schedules.

10 week Group program: Meetings every Saturday (TBA)

$125 for 10 week program with group. Practices to be held every Sunday morning at 10am. Depending on schedules.

The difference between group training and personal training are a couple. In the group training you wont get preferential treatment as I have to work with the entire group. Also you only run with me on group train day and the other days are on your own. Personal Training you get me twice a week to run with you as your schedule permits and 24/7 contact with me about your plan.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

TW2G Week #1 in the books: TheRunLife Challenge

“It is impossible to win the race unless you venture to run, impossible to win the victory unless you dare to battle.” -Richard DeVos

TW2G Week #1 In The Books

It was an exciting week and a tough one. The training is a lot harder then I am used to in along time but I realized I had been conforming to the easy. I had to get back to the hard nosed work ethic that got me where I was. I finished up today with a nice 4 miler to end my week.

Recap of Week #1

Monday- easy 3 then Monday 8 x 100 meter sprints (Ab Core Part 3)

Tuesday 4 (Optional Weight Training) ( I actually added in 2 miles on this day)

Wednesday easy 3 then Wednesday 4 x 100meter sprints (Ab Core Part 3)

Thursday 3

Friday 3 easy

Saturday 4


TheRun4Life Challenge

Tomorrow I will be releasing information about Therun4life challenge. Thanks to Stacy Burns for giving me the idea of getting it back up and running. I will be offering personal training for beginners, 10 & 20 Group programs, and program design. Stacy made me realize that Ive been writing plans for hundreds of people for free and that in a dire time, I should charge for my services. So that's what I am going to do. The page and flyer's will be ready tomorrow.

They will be seen at

Friday, August 28, 2009

Why You Are Sore? TW2G: Day #5

“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.” -Lance Armstrong

Why You Are Sore?

I get the question many times. "Why do I get so sore?" Well after you put in hard workouts like the Monday and Wednesday workouts with the speed work and some ab core, you will be sore. You will get what is called DOMS. It means Delayed Onset Muscle Syndrome. DOMS is my best friend almost daily but hey I just invite him over for a drink and keep on going. Pain will always diminish, but if I quit it will sit in my brain for eternity.

DOMS: Information From The Web

"Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) describes a phenomenon of muscle pain, muscle soreness or muscle stiffness that is felt 12-48 hours after exercise, particularly at the beginning of a new an exercise program, after a change in sports activities, or after a dramatic increase in the duration or intensity of exercise." (This is also called Delayed Onset Muscle Syndrome)

Read the rest of the article here------> DOMS ARTICLE

TW2G Day #5

Today is another easy 3 day on the program. I am running at night tonight to let some of the DOMS soreness to catch up and lesson the pain. Anytime you do sprints, speed work or tempo runs you will have some soreness. This is very normal.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

TW2G Updated Program

TW2G Updated Program

Below is the updated program for the TW2G Plan. I had to make adjustments because not everyone will be racing on Saturday and some people are more beginners then others are. Either way adjustments can be made. The plan was originally designed for someone who already had a mileage base of 15-20 miles per week. The bottom line is some workouts are challening, some are easy. The bottom line is challenge yourself and have fun doing it. See You at the finish line!

TW2G Program

10 Weeks to Greatness(TW2G)…

Base, Quality and Taper

Weeks 1-3 Base Building Phase Building Your Base Mileage

Weeks 4-8 Quality Phase Getting your Body Used to Speed!

Weeks 9-10 Taper Phase Resting for peak performance when it counts!

Part 3 Ab Core Workouts to be added on Monday and Wednesday (See Last Page)


Base Building Phase

Week #1 20-22 Miles per week

Monday- easy 3 then Monday 8 x 100 meter sprints (Ab Core Part 3)

Tuesday 4 (Optional Weight Training)

Wednesday easy 3 then Wednesday 4 x 100meter sprints (Ab Core Part 3)

Thursday 3

Friday 3-4 easy

Saturday 3


Week #2 23-24 Miles per week

Monday- easy 3 then 10 x 100 meter sprints (Ab Core Part 3)

Tuesday 4 (Optional Weight Training)

Wednesday easy 3 then 6 x 100meter sprints (Ab Core Part 3)

Thursday 3

Friday easy 4

Saturday Beginning Runners will do a 6-Mile Long Run on Saturday

Advanced Runners- 5k Race/ 5k Speed Prep 2 mile warm up, 2mile cool down

Week #3 26-28 Miles per week

Monday- easy 4 then 12 x 100 meter sprints (Ab Core Part 3)

Tuesday 5 (Optional Weight Training)

Wednesday easy 4 then 8 x 100meter sprints (Ab Core Part 3)

Thursday 3

Friday 3

Saturday Beginning Runners will do a 7-Mile Long Run on Saturday

Advanced Runners- 5k Race/ 5k Speed Prep 2 mile warm up, 2mile cool down

Quality Phase (Speed Training Sessions) See Definitions of Runs Section Below

Week #4 30-32 Miles per week

Monday- 18 min warm-up, 8x 1 min intervals, 1 min rest intervals, 18 min cool down (6.2m) (8 x 1 min should be done at RACE PACE) (Ab Core Part 3)

Tuesday 5 easy (Optional Weight Training)

Wednesday 18 min warm-up, 2-mile tempo run (80-90% of Race Pace), 18 min cool down (6 miles) (Ab Core Part 3)

Thursday 3

Friday 3 easy

Saturday Beginning Runners will do a 7-Mile Long Run on Saturday

Advanced Runners- 5k Race/ 5k Speed Prep 2 mile warm up, 2 mile cool down

Week #5 32-34 Miles per week

Monday- 22 min warm-up, 3x 3 min intervals, 2 min rest intervals, 4 x 100 meter sprints 22 min cool down (7m) (Ab Core Part 3)

Tuesday 5 easy (Optional Weight Training)

Wednesday 22 min warm-up, 3mile tempo run, 22 min cool down (7) (Ab Core Part 3)

Thursday 3

Friday 3 easy

Saturday Beginning Runners will do a 8-Mile Long Run on Saturday

Advanced Runners- 5k Race/ 5k Speed Prep 2 mile warm up, 3 mile cool down

Week #6 34-36 Miles per week

Monday- 26 min warm-up, 15min speed no rest, 26 min cool down (8m)

(Ab Core Part 3)

Tuesday 5 easy (Optional Weight Training)

Wednesday 26 min warm-up, 3-mile tempo run, 26 min cool down (8 miles)

(Ab Core Part 3)

Thursday 3

Friday 3 easy

Saturday Beginning Runners will do a 8-Mile Long Run on Saturday

Advanced Runners- 5k Race/ 5k Speed Prep 2 mile warm up, 3 mile cool down

Week #7 38-40 Miles per week

Monday- 30 min warm-up, 8 x 1 min intervals 1 min rest repeats, 30 min cool down (9m)

(Ab Core Part 3)

Tuesday 5 easy (Optional Weight Training)

Wednesday 30 min warm-up, 3-mile tempo run, 30 min cool down (9 miles)

(Ab Core Part 3)

Thursday 3

Friday 4 easy

Saturday Beginning Runners will do a 9-Mile Long Run on Saturday

Advanced Runners- 5k Race/ 5k Speed Prep 2 mile warm up, 4-5 mile cool down

Week #8 42-44 Miles per week

Monday- 34 min warm-up, 3x3 min intervals, 2 min rest repeats, 4 x 100 meter sprints.

34 min cool down (10m) (Ab Core Part 3)

Tuesday 6 easy (Optional Weight Training)

Wednesday 34 min warm-up, 3-mile tempo run, 34 min cool down (10 miles)

(Ab Core Part 3)

Thursday 3 easy

Friday 4 easy

Saturday Beginning Runners will do a 10-Mile Long Run on Saturday

Advanced Runners- 5k Race/ 5k Speed Prep 2 mile warm up, 5 mile cool down

Taper Phase

Week # 9 32-36 Miles per week

Monday- Easy 7 (Ab Core Part 3)

Tuesday Easy 6 (No Weight Training)

Wednesday 22 min warm-up, 15 minute tempo run, 22 min cool (7miles)

(Ab Core Part 3)

Thursday 3

Friday 3 easy

Saturday All Runners will do a 8-Mile Long Run on Saturday

Week #10 28-32 Miles per week

Monday- Easy 6 (Ab Core Part 3)

Tuesday Easy 5 (No Weight Training)

Wednesday 15-minute warm-up 3-mile temp run 15 cool down (6miles)

(Ab Core Part 3)

Thursday 3

Friday 3 easy

Saturday Beginning Runners will do a 7-Mile Long Run on Saturday

Advanced Runners- 5k Race/ 5k Speed Prep 2 mile warm up, 2mile cool down


Description of Run & Part 3 Ab Core Information

Definitions of Runs:

Easy Run: An easy run is just that, a nice easy run. You should be able to hold a conversation. It is about a 5 on a scale of 1 (walking) to 10 (all out race).

Speed work: Speed work on this program is a bit different then many. Many people usually go to tracks and run hard for different intervals. On this program speed days are days where you are running hard at your current race pace. In this program you will run hard in intervals of minutes and not track lengths. On this day you should be doing your hardest work. This for advanced is also the equivalent of doing a 5k-race prep on a Saturday. You should be in the “racing” mindset.

Tempo Run: A tempo run as part of a training program means you are running either for time or distance at a faster pace, such as 70 or 80% of your maximum pace for that distance.
So instead of doing your normal distance run of 3 or 5 miles you are running much harder, so it is almost race pace, so the day is to stress you rather than just work on your cardiovascular system through distance work. Though you are not going all out on this workout.

Substitution: If substituting a race on a Saturday for a long run, make sure you adjust your program. Do a proper warm-up and cool down as well.


Part 3: Ab Core Workout to be added on Speed & Tempo Days

“Punish the body, see great results”

Part #3 Workout---10 Steps

Step #1 Chin up inward------30 second hold 2 time
Step #2 Chin up Outward----30 second hold 2 times
Step #3 Sit ups 25 & 75 degrees-------30 second hold 2 times
Step #4 Crunches 25 & 75 degrees----30 second hold 2 times
Step #5 Push ups Hold & Extensions----30 second hold 2 times
Step #6 Step-Ups Small- 15 repetitions per leg for 30 total
Step #7 Step-Ups Med - 15 reps per leg for 30 total
Step #8 Step Ups Large- 8 reps per leg (to be done slowly as it puts strain on the knee)
Step #9 Elevated Crunch (upside down) 30 second hold & upward pull
Step $10 Side by Sides...sorta like step ups but sideways... 30 second intervals

Hard Work For A New You: TW2G: Day #4

"I do not know anyone who has gotten to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but it will get you pretty near." ~ JC Penny

Hard Work For A New You

The one thing I have seen in the last couple years is many get very "gung ho" about new workout plans. I think it is exciting going into it but many have unreal expectations and either cut their workouts in half or quit all together. Those are not my people. My people are smarter, faster and stronger. We are the ones that know that there is no medicine in quitting. In any good running program you have workouts that are going to be hard. If not then it's not worth it. You have to have hard days followed by easy days. Over the last months I have many new people on many new running programs that myself and others have designed. Thank you Jeremy West for your help and inspiration.

So far everyone is doing great and feeling great and that is what it's all about. Remember every time you think of quitting or falling off the wagon, "your only quitting yourself!" Get through the hard days and remember that there are easy days coming. Remember after the first month of hard workouts your body will adapt and it will get easier. Congrats to all my friends that are on new workout programs! Remember there is no shortcut to success. A special shout out going to Amanda Hollister. I am so proud that you took the step to a new you and are starting a running program. I am working on designing you a special 8-10 week program this week.

TW2G: Day #4 3 Easy

Well today is nothing special. Today is a nice easy 3 mile run. I met Jen at the YMCA for a 3 miler. We did it in roughly a 8:10 pace which is a nice clip for a slow run. I am so proud of her and Anna who are my Tuesday and Thursday training partners. I have watched them become so much faster with the introduction to "Collins" style speed work. It has been a pleasure running with all of you this summer! I look forward to you all beating me in local races soon!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Think I Can: TW2G Day # 3

“Life’s battles don't always go to the strongest or fastest man, but sooner or later the man who wins is the fellow who thinks he can.” -Waler D. Wintle

I Think I Can: I Think I Can

With any workout program the first thing you have to do is believe. If you go into a program thinking, "this isn't for me", or "I'll never do this!", then you have already been defeated. It is important to not only be determined that you will be successful but to set a goal during doing it. The coaches before the Boston Marathon told us to get a blog. I think that was the best thing ever. You can go back and see your ups and downs of your workouts. You can see what worked and what didn't work. In the long run the best thing about it is knowing that you set out on a goal, you worked hard and you broke that goal! If you didn't reach the goal then start again. Remember the excitement you had while driving there and do it all over again. Through hard work, patience, and rest it will come. I think I can, I think I can! Yes Stacy I believe you are the queen of, "I think I can!"

Protein Before & After Workouts?

I hear many athletes say should I be eating before and after a run? I say, "YES!" in moderation. I mean some people have delicate stomachs so there will always be exceptions to the rule. Many run on nothing. Early on in my running career I ran on nothing and felt awful. I then remembered running one marathon while eating during it, and it was probably the best I felt. I wasn't eating a pancake breakfast during the run, but just enough. Which leads me to the next article I found? It is about Protein.

TW2G: Day #3

Today was day #3 on the
TW2G program. For those who don't know a lot about it. It is basically a speed based workout program. It is a speed impact and core workout rather then just plugging away at high miles all the time. I remembered Kevin Collins saying to me once, "the only way to get faster, is to run faster." So with this program I want to run faster yes, but I want to be more fit and maximize muscle.

Workout #1 3 Mile run at 8 min mile pace

Workout #2 4 x 200 meter sprints with 200 meter recovery.

Workout #3 10 Step Ab Core Workout (refer to chart on day #1)

That's all for today! Keep on running!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

An Advocate 4 Beginners: TW2G Day #2

"To succeed you have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes a reality." – Anita Roddick

An Advocate for the Beginner

I want to start out by saying thank you to many of the letters and emails I have received this week. Anyone interested in these workouts just let me know. I am an advocate for the beginning runner. I believe in taking a lump of clay and sculpting it into something amazing. I am trying to do that for myself again. I was thinking last night how just 12-13 weeks ago I was in an immobilizer and I could barely walk. This new workout plan that we devised is not for the beginner. It is for the 20-25 mile runner to start and works up. You can take this plan and cut it in half if you need to start or if your a true beginner I have an even easier walk/run plan. Even though the programs and events I have directed have literally bankrupted me I want to figure out a way to continue on. I was once given the nickname from a friend, "king of the midpackers", which I still find to be very funny. So I will continue to train on until I have to give up the throne! LOL! This is my passion and I am going to keep it going as long as I can.

TW2G Day #2: Easy 4

Today's workout was nothing special. It was supposed to be an easy 4 miler on the plan. I ended up running an easy 6 miler. Reason being normally my legs are warmed up after 15 minutes and I am loose. This normally means that I feel better the following day. Today it was nearly 25 minutes until my leg muscles loosened so I stuck with the group and went the 6 mile distance. I don't normally advocate it but today I did it.

Upcoming Race Goals

I would like to find some like minded people to maybe car pool for some of the further away local races. Any ideas as well let me know. The races I am looking at doing are:

September 7th Mason & Grant Labor Day Classic
October 4th Festival of Races
October 10th Can Lake 50 mile Relay

Monday, August 24, 2009

10 Weeks 2 Greatness Intro & Day #1 Workout

“There are countless ways of attaining greatness, but any road to reaching one's maximum potential must be built on a bedrock of respect for the individual, a commitment to excellence, and a rejection of mediocrity.” -Buck Rodgers

10 Weeks 2 Greatness Intro

A couple weeks ago I sat down with Jeremy West and started hashing out a program for vast improvements over a 10 week time period. We originally designed this for the college level athlete. I took pieces of inspiration from My cousin Don Miller and speed workouts from the inspiration of Kevin Collins. A NCAA coach who wished to remain anonymous inspired me on the core workout process that are the part #3 addition to each Monday and Wednesday workout. I want to thank everyone who inspired me to design this workout and I encourage anyone brave enough to step up to the plate and join me in the workouts. Email me anytime some workouts will be in the evening.

10 Weeks 2 Greatness: Day #1

I arrived at Cayuga Community College a bit early. The fog was sitting above the stadium and no lights so I took to the streets for the first part of 3 workouts. The first part of the workout was a 3 mile run. This was to be done at long run pace. I did it around 8 mins per mile. The second portion of the workout I moved to the parking lot because of pesticide spraying in the stadium. I mapped out about 120 meters. I sprinted 8 x this distance with a 100 meter rest interval. 100 meter sprint, turn and jog, turn and sprint. I then continued into my run for workout #3. Workout #3 is a 10 step process. It is a 15 min program in itself that is full of crunches, sit ups, push ups, chin ups etc. Its is based on time and not repetitions. For the first week it starts at two repetitions only but its 30 second holds in each position. Below is a recap of today's impact workout and minutes.

Workout Recap

Workout #1 3- Mile Run at Longrun pace (24 mins)
Workout #2 8 x 100 meter sprints with 100 meter rest interval. Turn and fire. (6 mins)
Workout #3 Ab Core Workout ---10 Steps (15 mins)

Part #3 Workout---10 Steps

Step #1 Chin up inward------30 second hold 2 time
Step #2 Chin up Outward----30 second hold 2 times
Step #3 Sit ups 25 & 75 degrees-------30 second hold 2 times
Step #4 Crunches 25 & 75 degrees----30 second hold 2 times
Step #5 Push ups Hold & Extensions----30 second hold 2 times
Step #6 Step-Ups Small- 15 repetitions per leg for 30 total
Step #7 Step-Ups Med - 15 reps per leg for 30 total
Step #8 Step Ups Large- 8 reps per leg (to be done slowly as it puts strain on the knee)
Step #9 Elevated Crunch (upside down) 30 second hold & upward pull
Step $10 Side by Sides...sorta like step ups but sideways... 30 second intervals

These steps will be repeated every Monday and Wednesday after speed work. Any questions email me or call the cell at 315-209-5044.

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Look Back: What A Journey

"I've been motivated by overcoming challenge and overcoming the hurdles and obstacles that face me. There still is plenty out there to get motivated by." -Andre Agassi

A Look Back: What A Journey

As I was looking at my losses sheet for Therun4life and how I gave a ton away. I decided to look back at the first day when I moved to this new blog space. From the first day that I was picked to go run Boston, through all the crazy snowy days and through today. Almost a year ago I thought I was losing my luster for running. I was recovering from a running accident and when picked instantly became motivated and driven for a new quest. In the last year I recovered from a fall, healed, ran Boston, got hurt again and came back yet again this summer. I am very thankful for everyone I have met that his helped me through the tough time. A special thanks to all those that supported the fundraisers over the year as well. You are true heroes for the causes out there. So as I sit on an even where I am still a finalist and hopeful for an NCAA Cross country coaching job, I am thankful. Thankful because I know what it took to get here and with each hurdle thrown my way, I have obliterated it and I await a couple more.

10 Weeks to Greatness

With the help of Jeremy West, and the inspiration of Kevin Collins and Don Miller I have created a program called "10 Weeks to Greatness!" Its for runners who already have a base of 20-25 miles a week and pushes them towards the PR's that they are searching for. Thanks Jeremy for the guidance and help putting it together. Anyone interested let me know.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Great Race

Good Luck to everyone in the Great Race tomorrow! We wish everyone the best! see you all at the starting line!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Web Portal for the 2009 Run To Golisano

This won't be a big event this year as I have full intentions of setting off on this in honor of my kids alone. Though I want you all to know your welcome to run with me at any portion of it. Whether it be 26 miles, or 4 miles. There are spots where you can run from 26, 13, 7 and 4 miles. It will be a slow run as I am not expecting my knees to hold well. Anyone interested in helping or being a part of it, please let me know! Anyone running check out the site and email me your waiver!

Let's Keep the Dream Alive!

2009 Web Portal to Golisano

I call this course, "The hottest, hilliest, hardest 26 miles in CNY"


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