Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hard Work For A New You: TW2G: Day #4

"I do not know anyone who has gotten to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but it will get you pretty near." ~ JC Penny

Hard Work For A New You

The one thing I have seen in the last couple years is many get very "gung ho" about new workout plans. I think it is exciting going into it but many have unreal expectations and either cut their workouts in half or quit all together. Those are not my people. My people are smarter, faster and stronger. We are the ones that know that there is no medicine in quitting. In any good running program you have workouts that are going to be hard. If not then it's not worth it. You have to have hard days followed by easy days. Over the last months I have many new people on many new running programs that myself and others have designed. Thank you Jeremy West for your help and inspiration.

So far everyone is doing great and feeling great and that is what it's all about. Remember every time you think of quitting or falling off the wagon, "your only quitting yourself!" Get through the hard days and remember that there are easy days coming. Remember after the first month of hard workouts your body will adapt and it will get easier. Congrats to all my friends that are on new workout programs! Remember there is no shortcut to success. A special shout out going to Amanda Hollister. I am so proud that you took the step to a new you and are starting a running program. I am working on designing you a special 8-10 week program this week.

TW2G: Day #4 3 Easy

Well today is nothing special. Today is a nice easy 3 mile run. I met Jen at the YMCA for a 3 miler. We did it in roughly a 8:10 pace which is a nice clip for a slow run. I am so proud of her and Anna who are my Tuesday and Thursday training partners. I have watched them become so much faster with the introduction to "Collins" style speed work. It has been a pleasure running with all of you this summer! I look forward to you all beating me in local races soon!

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