Monday, January 31, 2011
Run4Life Campaign/Relay For Life 2011
1.) New online fundraiser- has approved us for an online fundraiser through 10/11. You can go to
2.) Relay for Life 2011- Our Team link and run4life registration is now available. Join our team!
You can go to
3.) Run4Life Meeting. All our meetings are 2nd Thursday of the month at Dennys. 6:30pm. This months meeting is February 10th at 6:30pm. Dennys in Auburn, NY.
Help us continue to bring more runs in the area and events for children in 2011!
Thank You
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Experience is a Hard Teacher
Experience is a Hard Teacher
The one thing I have learned in life is results aren't just going to be handed to you. Though many people expect them to and when they aren't they are disappointed. In order to get results you want, you have to work for it. I know that since the accident last year I have gone a bit over board. I just feel time is fleeting and that we should use our time wisely. After near brushes myself and then watching friends of mine pass away, time just seems measured to me. With that being said I also know that coming back to running is going to be a hard test once again.
Saturday's Workout
It was a quick and easy 1 mile sprint. I put on the spandex top and sweats and sprinted for a quick mile. I had some issues with my chest but it is going to take time. The problem is I know time is fleeting and it makes it all the more interesting to me. Sunday will be an off day till I start movin in an extra day on week #2.
Everyone have a great day! Keep on Runnin!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Avoiding Burnout in Young Athletes
I didn't have a workout yesterday due to an off day so I wanted to blog about burnout in young athletes. Too many times do I see kids really excited about running, or any other sport for that matter and burnout quick. Parents like to think that there child can go for ever, heck I did. The truth is that your child can burnout just like you and I. If you do not create balance, you will create many future issues. Balance is the key to better wellness. Don't fall into the, "Oh they are young, they can do anything, trap." A good article about youth burnout is written by Marty Shupnik.
Marty writes, "Parents who enroll their children in too many sports or multiple leagues for one sport end up constructing a trap that will inevitably catch up with their kid. These children are often bound by impractical time constraints, almost literally living out of their family vehicles in order to accommodate their hectic schedules. Parents must find a reasonable balance for their children and help budget their time" (Shupnik, 2010).
To read the rest of the article go to:
Friday, January 28, 2011
A Chain is No Stronger
A Chain is No Stronger
Day #2 at the gym was finding where the weak link may lie and flushing it out. As the workout started a bit easier than the day before it ended just as furious. Who is gonna be the next to join me on a workout at Champions for life?
Thursday's workout was this:
10 Minute run no less than 6.0 mph intervals- maxed out at 7.0 mph intervals
5 Minute Weight workout on arms, chest
10 Minute run no less than 6.5 mph intervals- maxed out at 7.5 mph intervals.
5 Minute Weight workout out arms, chest, abs, and legs
5 Minute Run no less than 6.5 mph intervals - maxed out at 8.5mph intervals
5 Minute Weight Workout arms, chest, abs, and legs
10 Minute Stretch and cool down
Gotta keep on tweaking and getting rid of that weak link.
Side Note:
Champions for life Gym is a 24 hour gym located at Auburn, NY. I will be blogging all my workouts and progress from the gym. Anyone interested in joining, tell em Vin and sent you and $5 per $30 monthly membership goes to Therun4life.
Gym Fees below for those who have been asking me:
Membership Fees | |
Single 1 year membership | $30 per month |
Single 1 year membership | $300 ($60 savings) |
Couple 1 year membership | $50 per month |
Couple 1 year membership | $500 ($100 savings) |
Family 1 year membership | $65 |
Family 1 year membership | $650 ($130 savings) |
Single 1 month membership | $35 |
Single 3 month membership | $95 |
Single 6 month membership | $175 |
Couple 1 month membership | $60 |
Couple 3 month membership | $160 |
Couple 6month membership | $300 |
For More information go to:
Thursday, January 27, 2011
I Love Being Surrounded by Dumbbells
It was nice to be back at the gym and surrounded by dumbbells again. No not people, but the weights themselves. I believe in coming back hard and not taking it the easy way out. I will be working out all year at the gym at Champions 4 Life. It is a great, 24 access gym, key swiped gym. You have access to every type of weight and many different type of cardio machines. Anyone wants to be a workout partner let me know. Champions is now offering trial offers to check the gym out and a small percentage that join goes to Therun4life.
1st Day Back-Workout
After about 5 minutes of light stretching. I did the following:
10 Minute run no less than 6.0 mph intervals- maxed out at 8.0mph intervals (2 min changes)
5 Minute Weight workout on arms, chest
10 Minute run no less than 7.0 mph intervals- maxed out at 8.5mph intervals. (2 min changes)
5 Minute Weight workout out arms, chest, abs
5 Minute Run no less than 7.5 mph intervals - maxed out at 8.5mph intervals (2-2-1 changes)
5 Minute Weight Workout arms, chest, abs
10 Minute Stretch and cooldown
Not bad for the first day back! I even went out and got me a new running suit after. First one in bout 4 years. Now gotta get rid of these 2000+ mile sneakers next. Special thanks to Dr. Landers for getting me in after the workout. Fixed my broken finger and helped the chest issue. Best I have felt in years.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Long Road Back
The Long Road Back
I found it comforting that even though since my body rapidly wore down in the fall of 2009, I am still known as "hey it's that runner guy!" (To me that is Chris Mason, Jake McAndrew, Jeremy West, Juan Martinez or a number of other locals. Runner Girl would be my sister Meg) As exciting as it was to go from a runner in the back of the pack in 2005, to a winner of a handful of races by 2009, it has been a long road. One filled with heartache, and frustration. I have been to the top of the mountain, and pushed off the cliff. Today is my first full day back. If there is a devil he can't keep me down, and if there is a heaven, apparently it isn't my time yet. So while I am here, I feel it is time to do all I can. This writing is about tracing my steps.
Boston 2009 - Mason & Grant Classic
Everything started going downhill before Boston 09. Dislocated kneecap and many bodily warnings that I didn't heed. Great doctors took their time and found alternative methods to keep me on my feet. For example cold laser therapy and Kinesio taping. Getting through Boston was the most horrible pain I have ever felt. Then after that it wasn't that bad. I rehabbed with a bunch of great ladies at the local YMCA after Boston and started feeling better. After winning the M & G Classic 10k I felt like I Was getting back in shape. Shortly after I was in my second car accident in 2 years in December 09. Life has been a struggle since. Since that day it was just tough to wake up and go to sleep each day. Especially going to sleep.
Coming Back Too Early
In January 2010, I was determined for a comeback. Which I now deem the biggest mistake I have made to date. Things were changing in my life and I wanted the negative out and all of those people with it. The good people stood behind me, the rest determined to take me down most days it seemed. My car was totaled and I couldn't afford a new one. So only 3 weeks after the accident I am loading up a backpack and running around town doing errands. Mind you I still have broken ribs and I am developing another health issue that I hadn't foreseen. I started feeling like if I could overcome this I could do anything. The Citizen did a "No Pain No Gain" article on me at this time. Shortly after the pain hit and there wasn't much gain though it had always been my mantra. Then somewhere in March 2010, it all fell apart. I felt a pop in my chest and the rest is history.
Dr. Landers and His Help
I would have never comeback from the accident if it weren't for the help from Dr. Brian Landers. Dr. Landers has an office on South Street in Auburn, NY. I know that he stated that I healed very fast due to my fitness level but without the treatments and him visiting my house 3x a week, I would never have been there. Around March as I was saying I heard a pop in my chest and it's been nearly impossible to run since. (at the level I am used to) I continued treatments and I continued running. I made it to July. A good friend of mine was lying on his death bed stricken with stage 4 cancer. Earlier that month had asked me to run in a race in July. I gave it all I could. 2 weeks before the race I broke a tibial bone in my foot, add that to the chest problem and I was blah feeling. I kept the treatments up.

I ran the race in July and finished in the top 25 but after the first mile I knew something was wrong. I knew it was time I retire or face serious issues. The sternum issue was causing respiratory issues and sometimes wouldn't locate back into he right area. When sprinting it was nearly impossible to breathe at times. After running for some friends in the hospital and my friend who passed away I decided maybe it is time for a change. Spent the whole summer having some parties at the house nearly weekly to help me forget about running. I met some great new people and boy I wouldn't change it for the world. I found in the summer that those who are true to being your friends have your back, those that want things, well you know what they are good for. I tried to maintain some small runs with my friend and neighbor Mike Emmart but I kept feeling worse and worse. I kept running and so did TheRun4life and its goals.
Change in Plans
The layoff gave me time to think. It was when I came up with the idea of having timed Kids races. I got tired of running and watching the kids always sitting on the sidelines while the parents reveled in their medals and times. That has always bothered me. That was when the idea of the kids before adult races came about. Kid's come first as they should.
The First Missed Fall
When I started running the fall races were my favorite. They had an aura about them that I loved. I remembered my first ever race and finishing in the last 100 but loving it. I remembered races like the Falling Leaves, Alyssa's Run, the Arc that got the ball rolling for me. I really missed the Fleet Feet 50 mile relay which was my favorite all-time race. When you love the fall and you can't run, well it stinks, plan and simple. Sometimes runners take things for granted till they are all taken away.
Christmas Day Run
The Christmas day run was a last minute idea. That was the day I realized that I was feeling better and could run again if I started in small increments. My chest will never be 100% again but heck with it. That was a fun day and many great people gave up an hour on the most precious days of the year to MAKE A STATEMENT. There are people in the area in need and it doesn't stop just to give gifts on one day. I thank all of you that donated canned goods and came out. Your show of gratitude goes a long way.

The one thing I learned through it all is you have to be true to your self. People will come and go but if you give up on yourself then in my book, you are nothing. I started feeling like I gave up on myself. Though at the same time, while resting I came up with many new ideas and events for 2011. Even though today marks the date of my official comeback, I am more excited about all of those kids races that we have coming up in 2011. Starting in May, many kids races on the docket and the return of Trick R' Trot. So going forward I am going to blog my progress and on certain days blog in some kids running ideals. Too many people don't realize that kids can burn out just like you and I. Many people out there giving bad advice.
Thank You
If you made it this far. I thank you for being part of everything we have accomplished, will still accomplish and more importantly set in motion for the kids of our community. I know I can be a little eccentric at times but I say maybe if you try to understand the goals a bit more then you will understand me. Go through what I have and maybe you will for once, get it. I think it is one of those things where you don't get it unless the trauma happens to you. This is a hard world but we can make it a little brighter each day by giving back.
Tomorrow I will blog my first day working out at the gym at Champions for Life. I will be there all year. I welcome anyone to join. Here is to all the great people that made Therun4life the great place it is!

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Good News for Philanthropy
Article---> "A Good Omen for 2011 Fund Raising"
January 19, 2011, 8:32 pm
By Holly Hall
In a sign that donors are feeling better about the economy, the number of American adults who said they plan to increase their contributions to charity this year increased to 18 percent, according to an annual survey.
In the past, the share of people who expected to increase donations was smaller. In 2009 and 2010, 14 percent planned to step up giving, and in 2008 just 8 percent forecast an increase.