Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Race Week: Time To Taper?

Race Week: Why Taper?

I used to be one of those people who would just run all the time. About 2 years ago I realized the effects an effective taper can have on your body and your race. Tapering is cutting your running back the week before a major race. Many have different methods of tapering. Many don't do it at all. It is a thing you have to see what works for you. Tapering for me this week is important. I am cutting my running down while maintaining intensity in the workouts that I do. The swelling and pain are slowing me down a bit but it doesn't mean I cant scale back race week and pull something out of the magic back. Lol!

Tapering for Optimal Race Performance

There is a great link about tapering for race performance you can check out. Go to http://runningtimes.com/Article.aspx?ArticleID=5304

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