Miles for Miracles- We Did It!
I want to thank everyone for their support throughout the Miles for Miracles campaign. I think how we all rallied together to support childhood illness is better than any marathon. I want to thank you all for raising $3180 for Boston Children's Hospital!
Recap of Running
The first 10 weeks of the running program, I was very inspired. I was running amazing and far better than I thought I was capable of. I was doing training I never thought possible. Then a little slip and knee mis-direction changed my training the day before Valentines day. I admit my mood had changed since that day. Every time I get training good I get injured. Each time I have been injured from a weird accident. I felt invincible out there. I ran through -15 degree days on 15 mile runs. I ran through icy conditions that I probably shouldn't have. for the most part I found what I was made of. I found how far I can push my self for a worthy cause. The best part is having good people like you behind me.
Rehab-Where I am Today
Well I am not in the condition like I was 7 weeks ago where I was running 16 mile runs in a 7:40 pace. Thanks to Dr. Wendy Maneri and her staff at the NY Chiropractic College, I have come a long way. I have been doing cold laser therapy and strengthening exercises. I can not thank them enough. On Friday I ran a 8 mile run at a 7:47 pace. Showing me that I am making a good comeback. I am facing the music that I am not ready to run the world's most prestigious marathon, but I have a plan. My plan consists of 3 things:
1. Dream- the dream is still alive. I still have a number and a jersey for the race. No one took that away from me. i still have a chance.
2. Believe- I am a firm believer that I can get through this.
3. Achieve- We have all come this far in fundraising for the kids and that is the main achievement. I would like to finish the race as well.
No matter how I feel on this day, I will show up on that starting line! Never did I ever think of quitting this marathon! Right now I am suffering from some flu issues but I am hoping it all works itself out soon! Even if I have to walk the marathon!
Marathon T-Shirts
The marathon T-shirts for sponsors are printing right now. They will be ready next week. We had some last minute changes that we did not foresee. They will be ready soon! Also anyone who wasn't a sponsor or is a sponsor and wants to buy more, you may do so!
Each shirt will be $20 plus postage..sorry I don't have any extra money. Each $20 proceed going to the Zach Saurini benefit on April 26th! go to for more details!

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