Keep On Moving
I love that quote above. It makes me remember that there are no excuses. I hear people say that its too hot or cold to run many days. I hear people say that its too rainy or snowy out. I say, "Run!" Everyday there is someone somewhere running in worse conditions. Someone that is training twice as hard. Today I kept on moving. I got out there early and 10 degree (2 degree windchill) weather and completed 10 miles. I kept focused on the goal that my coaches set before me. I envisioned that no matter what my body was warm and I was enjoying another summer run. Remember there is always a lion chasing you in some way! Keep on moving!
Today's Training
The training today is the long run. Today's long run starts at 10 miles. My run left my doorstep and went out Owasco Lake past the watershed and back. It was a very cold and un-plowed run in many instances. I slowed today due to the conditions. The 10 miles done in 1 hour and 25 minutes. I am still very pleased and from here on in I switch to afternoon running on Saturdays. Too many nuts driving with one hand on the wheel and the cell phone in the other hand during the snow fall. Some people will never get it!
Midnight Madness Tonight
Come out and see us tonight at Finger Lakes Mall. We will be there at 6:30pm till roughly 11:30pm! We are raffling off webkinz and a K-Nex RollerCoaster for some lucky child! Thank you all for your support! Enjoy the picture of my yard below! Gotta love snow!

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