I am at grad school in Saratoga Springs through Saturday. I will not be back to the blog till Super Bowl Sunday! Gotta make my pick! I guess I'll keep going against the steelers! Go Arizona!
See you all in a couple days!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Nature Has No Mercy/ A Snow Day Thank You
“Nature has no mercy at all. Nature says, I'm going to snow. If you have on a bikini and no snowshoes, that's tough. I am going to snow anyway.” -Maya Angelou
Nature Has No Mercy
I thought that above quote made me laugh. It reminds me of this Boston Marathon training. Mother nature could care less that I have to run 5 days a week and cross train 2 days a week. I feel sorry for the Chris Mason's of the world that are putting in heavy mileage in this nasty weather. I have been putting in 40+ miles run per week and that's felt like running 80 miles each week. You just have to be smarter than the elements. Dress in layers and send mother nature a greeting card that you aren't staying inside today. Send her a postcard on the way stating that she isn't going to stop you with her icy wrath. At least not for one more day!
Four Day Cross Training & Rest
Coaches are giving me a little break this week because my body is getting some major fatigue. When you start running at my age and not in high school, you do get tired. Funny thing is I am running faster but muscle recovery isn't coming around like it should. So today is a cross training day and some yoga! Tomorrow I have to leave for 3 days of grad school in Saratoga Springs so I am getting rest days on those days because of classes! I think next time I pick a grad school where I can go to a warmer climate.
A Special Thank You on a Snow Day
A want to thank the Maneri Family for their donation to Miles for Miracles this morning. With each thought, email or donation it makes each run warmer knowing all proceeds are going to help severely ill children. Thank You guys for your support! All the best in 2009!
Miles for Miracles Update
Once we get the grant check from Wal-Mart we will be around the $1600 barrier. Over half way to the goal of $3000 raised. I will have photos posted on the site once the grant pictures are done. I want to thank everyone that has stood behind me on this project. It means a lot to us. For future updates fo to the site at http://www.therun4life.org
Don't let mother nature beat you, Keep on running!
Nature Has No Mercy
I thought that above quote made me laugh. It reminds me of this Boston Marathon training. Mother nature could care less that I have to run 5 days a week and cross train 2 days a week. I feel sorry for the Chris Mason's of the world that are putting in heavy mileage in this nasty weather. I have been putting in 40+ miles run per week and that's felt like running 80 miles each week. You just have to be smarter than the elements. Dress in layers and send mother nature a greeting card that you aren't staying inside today. Send her a postcard on the way stating that she isn't going to stop you with her icy wrath. At least not for one more day!
Four Day Cross Training & Rest
Coaches are giving me a little break this week because my body is getting some major fatigue. When you start running at my age and not in high school, you do get tired. Funny thing is I am running faster but muscle recovery isn't coming around like it should. So today is a cross training day and some yoga! Tomorrow I have to leave for 3 days of grad school in Saratoga Springs so I am getting rest days on those days because of classes! I think next time I pick a grad school where I can go to a warmer climate.
A Special Thank You on a Snow Day
A want to thank the Maneri Family for their donation to Miles for Miracles this morning. With each thought, email or donation it makes each run warmer knowing all proceeds are going to help severely ill children. Thank You guys for your support! All the best in 2009!
Miles for Miracles Update
Once we get the grant check from Wal-Mart we will be around the $1600 barrier. Over half way to the goal of $3000 raised. I will have photos posted on the site once the grant pictures are done. I want to thank everyone that has stood behind me on this project. It means a lot to us. For future updates fo to the site at http://www.therun4life.org
Don't let mother nature beat you, Keep on running!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Good Luck to My Friends On New Workout Plans
"Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." ~Edward Stanley
Good Luck to My Friends
I want to wish the best of luck to my friends on their new workout plans. Many of you have discussed with me your goals in 2009! Well honestly You can do it! Dream...Believe...Achieve...
New 5k Event Coming to the Area
I have been working with Chris Major of Majorpalooza and the US Track and Field Association. We will be bringing a new 5k event to the area at Cayuga Community College. It will be held on May 24th at 10am. I will let everyone know when registration will open sometime next week! We will be holding the first 5k meeting on February 10th at 5:30pm at Ancient Order of Hibernians. Email me for directions if need be.
Today's Workout
Today's scheduled workout on Miles for Miracles is the ladder workout. Warm-Up 1 mile and then sprints for 400,600,800,1200 and 1600 meters. When you reach the 1600 plateau then you start back down 1600 all the way back too 400. This way the most tiring workout I have ever done. Rest intervals in between are at my discretion so I tried to keep them short if any at all. The over all time for the 6 miles was just a bit over 41 minutes. I got really tired the last 2 miles. Tomorrow will be an easy run before I leave for grad school in Saratoga for a couple days.
Tipp Hill Shamrock Run
I am looking for interested people who want to get a bunch of us together and do the Tipp Hill Shamrock 4 Mile run on March 7th. It is a great event and Irish bands play along the whole course with a post party to follow. I would like to have a team of at least 4 or 5 of us and make up some t-shirts with some St. Patty's slogan on them. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Go to http://www.tipphillrun.com for details.
Until Tomorrow, Keep on Running!
Good Luck to My Friends
I want to wish the best of luck to my friends on their new workout plans. Many of you have discussed with me your goals in 2009! Well honestly You can do it! Dream...Believe...Achieve...
New 5k Event Coming to the Area
I have been working with Chris Major of Majorpalooza and the US Track and Field Association. We will be bringing a new 5k event to the area at Cayuga Community College. It will be held on May 24th at 10am. I will let everyone know when registration will open sometime next week! We will be holding the first 5k meeting on February 10th at 5:30pm at Ancient Order of Hibernians. Email me for directions if need be.
Today's Workout
Today's scheduled workout on Miles for Miracles is the ladder workout. Warm-Up 1 mile and then sprints for 400,600,800,1200 and 1600 meters. When you reach the 1600 plateau then you start back down 1600 all the way back too 400. This way the most tiring workout I have ever done. Rest intervals in between are at my discretion so I tried to keep them short if any at all. The over all time for the 6 miles was just a bit over 41 minutes. I got really tired the last 2 miles. Tomorrow will be an easy run before I leave for grad school in Saratoga for a couple days.
Tipp Hill Shamrock Run
I am looking for interested people who want to get a bunch of us together and do the Tipp Hill Shamrock 4 Mile run on March 7th. It is a great event and Irish bands play along the whole course with a post party to follow. I would like to have a team of at least 4 or 5 of us and make up some t-shirts with some St. Patty's slogan on them. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Go to http://www.tipphillrun.com for details.
Until Tomorrow, Keep on Running!
Monday, January 26, 2009
You Can Control Your Attitude
“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.” -Brian Tracey
You Can Control Your Attitude
I will be the first to tell you that things don't always go our way. Our children were born ill, we did what we had to do. Today things aren't well with us in the economy we do what we have to do! Today my body was so beat up from Saturday's 15 miler I started to doubt myself. Then I said, "You do what you have to do!" Keep your chin up and your attitude positive. I am getting tired of logging onto facebook and reading, "OMG it's Monday, I'll never make it!" You will make it. Life is not a curse but a blessing.
PLEASE...Every day is a blessing. Take a little time someday and walk in someone's shoes. Walk in the shoes of the Saurini family right now. There little boy needing surgery less than 2 weeks away in Boston Children's Hospital. Monday is not a curse it is a blessing. I am not religious by any means but, "Pretend like everyday is Friday!" I know it's easier said than done but if you keep your attitude positive, Monday isn't so bad and ends much sooner! I know who am I to tell you right? I understand and I get it but don't waste my time with the Monday Blues! Bring something to the tables that we can use and make tomorrow here a better place! If your complaining to me about a hangover (you know who you are) Save it for someone else! Today my positive attitude got me through training and working towards a run for cancer victims and survivors. Only 3 more hours till I see the kids...Hoo-ray!
Today's Miles for Miracles Training
The training today was 6.2 miles of hills easy. Basically a 10k and I was right on pace. The hills and the 2 degree windchill took the life out of me but I kept my head up and realized why I am doing this. That there are children out there that need our help. I feel like each mile run is one step closer to saving a child's life. In a time very soon, we will cross that finishline together!
Until tomorrow keep your chin up
Your attitude positive and
Keep on running......
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Overcoming the Hurdles/ Today I Dedicate to my Brother
"I've been motivated by overcoming challenge and overcoming the hurdles and obstacles that face me. There still is plenty out there to get motivated by." -Andre Agassi
Overcoming the Hurdles
I know that I have spoken with many of you of late and you feel that you have plenty of hurdles in front of you. I have plenty of hurdles myself but I control what I can control. I work hard to beat the rest and pray for a little luck. I think everyday can be a special day. Everyday I look for an inspiring quote or I dedicate my run or my day to someone. It makes it more meaningful. Everyday can be special. What kind of life is it if you only look ahead to Friday each week? Many think its funny I feel this way because they have forgotten how precious life is or even that they can make a difference at all. I think of my Brother and all the hurdles he had to jump. Today I dedicate this day to him!
Today I Dedicate to My Brother
Dear Kyle,
I hope someday you can read this letter and understand what I mean. I know you have always been different and many people in the community gave you a hard time. It is a shame those did to you what they did. They did not see how special you were right from the get go. You have been dealing with your autism for 18 years now. Kudos to you for all your hard work! I remember the big smile you had when you were only 2 years old. You never let anything get in the way and you always had a good time. Yeah you went after our sisters with a couple flicks to the head but hey those girls deserved it at times? I learned a lot from you last year when I spent nearly everyday with you. I learned that no matter how hard things get or what you have to deal with, you always stand up and keep on going. Granted many times I had to bribe you with a Diet Coke and a pretzel but hey whatever works right? I just want to say thank you for being my brother. You are the best little brother anyone can have. Though weighing in around 205 lbs, you aren't so little anymore. I look ahead to the spring when we can get back out there and shoot some hoops! Maybe this year will be the year you dunk! I wouldn't be shocked with how far you've come!
So buddy I'll see you in a couple hours. I may not be able to afford a Diet Coke and a pretzel today but we will always have one thing in common? GO S.U.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Brother Vin
Overcoming the Hurdles
I know that I have spoken with many of you of late and you feel that you have plenty of hurdles in front of you. I have plenty of hurdles myself but I control what I can control. I work hard to beat the rest and pray for a little luck. I think everyday can be a special day. Everyday I look for an inspiring quote or I dedicate my run or my day to someone. It makes it more meaningful. Everyday can be special. What kind of life is it if you only look ahead to Friday each week? Many think its funny I feel this way because they have forgotten how precious life is or even that they can make a difference at all. I think of my Brother and all the hurdles he had to jump. Today I dedicate this day to him!
Today I Dedicate to My Brother
Dear Kyle,
I hope someday you can read this letter and understand what I mean. I know you have always been different and many people in the community gave you a hard time. It is a shame those did to you what they did. They did not see how special you were right from the get go. You have been dealing with your autism for 18 years now. Kudos to you for all your hard work! I remember the big smile you had when you were only 2 years old. You never let anything get in the way and you always had a good time. Yeah you went after our sisters with a couple flicks to the head but hey those girls deserved it at times? I learned a lot from you last year when I spent nearly everyday with you. I learned that no matter how hard things get or what you have to deal with, you always stand up and keep on going. Granted many times I had to bribe you with a Diet Coke and a pretzel but hey whatever works right? I just want to say thank you for being my brother. You are the best little brother anyone can have. Though weighing in around 205 lbs, you aren't so little anymore. I look ahead to the spring when we can get back out there and shoot some hoops! Maybe this year will be the year you dunk! I wouldn't be shocked with how far you've come!
So buddy I'll see you in a couple hours. I may not be able to afford a Diet Coke and a pretzel today but we will always have one thing in common? GO S.U.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Brother Vin
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A Miracle Fiber Called Courage
"Human beings are made up of flesh and blood, and a miracle fiber called courage." -George Patton
A Miracle Fiber Called Courage
Today I truly felt like it was a battle between courage and well lack of brains at times. Today I had to run 15 miles and I am not sure why but it felt much harder out there than last week. I ran from my house, to the lake and out east lake road to Honeysuckle, then back up Oakridge Rd, back into the city with a last loop around the college to home. It felt like war out there to me. I lost feeling in my wrists and hands with 1 mile to go and I really just kicked it in and gave it everything I had. The winds were a huge factor today and most likely the reason I am so winded. Though here I am less than an hour after my 15 mile run eating lunch and getting ready to play with the kids! Thank you all for the lifting of my spirit you have been giving me out there. Without you all I would be nothing! Today I truly felt like I had a miracle fiber called courage.
Miles for Miracle Update- Week 6 in the Books!
Today concludes Miles for Miracles week #6. So far together we have all raised $1467. The Wal-Mart check still hasn't been credited as well as another. It takes 7-10 days for checks to show on the site. My goal is to run 1000 miles by the Boston Marathon time as well. So far after week six, I am at 215 miles run and the big mileage weeks are starting to kick in! I want to thank you all for your support!
You can go to http://www.therun4life.org and click on the donate link to see who is donated!
Whether it's raining or snowing
Keep those feet a going!
Keep on running!
A Miracle Fiber Called Courage
Today I truly felt like it was a battle between courage and well lack of brains at times. Today I had to run 15 miles and I am not sure why but it felt much harder out there than last week. I ran from my house, to the lake and out east lake road to Honeysuckle, then back up Oakridge Rd, back into the city with a last loop around the college to home. It felt like war out there to me. I lost feeling in my wrists and hands with 1 mile to go and I really just kicked it in and gave it everything I had. The winds were a huge factor today and most likely the reason I am so winded. Though here I am less than an hour after my 15 mile run eating lunch and getting ready to play with the kids! Thank you all for the lifting of my spirit you have been giving me out there. Without you all I would be nothing! Today I truly felt like I had a miracle fiber called courage.
Miles for Miracle Update- Week 6 in the Books!
Today concludes Miles for Miracles week #6. So far together we have all raised $1467. The Wal-Mart check still hasn't been credited as well as another. It takes 7-10 days for checks to show on the site. My goal is to run 1000 miles by the Boston Marathon time as well. So far after week six, I am at 215 miles run and the big mileage weeks are starting to kick in! I want to thank you all for your support!
You can go to http://www.therun4life.org and click on the donate link to see who is donated!
Whether it's raining or snowing
Keep those feet a going!
Keep on running!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Becoming Your Destiny
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
-Dennis Waitley
Becoming Your Destiny
I had many conversations with people yesterday about their futures. I do not know it all by any means but I believe in the principle of getting back up when you fall. I remember the horrible feelings of our car accident in Nov 30, 2007. I had 3 months where I quit running and gave up on everything and everyone. It accomplished nothing. I learned a new outlook from that devastating experience. I learned that if I was going to do any good in this community it wouldn't be from sitting on the couch and feeling sorry for myself. My outlook changed quickly again when I looked at my two small children. Realizing that I can not lead by example by doing nothing. So in a brief moment of time, I stood up, and took off running. So far even with small set backs I haven't turned back yet. I am not perfect by any means but I do know that we can't get to any one destination by standing in one place! We all have a destiny out there and it is up to us to go claim it!
Colleen Miles Article in The Citizen Today
I was very excited to see an article by Mrs. Colleen Miles in today's Citizen newspaper. Mrs. Miles is Braeden's kindergarten teacher. Thank you for all you do Mrs. Miles! Here is a snippet of the article. "Teachers at Herman Avenue Elementary School are in the early stages of implementing “The Daily 5” - a learning structure and classroom management framework that encourage student literacy independence."
To read the rest go to http://www.auburnpub.com/articles/2009/01/23/lake_life/lakelife02.txt
Today's Miles for Miracles Training
Today's run is 6 miles easy. Nothing fancy just running 6 stress free and easy miles. I ran them again at an 8 minute mile pace like instructed. It was a wonderful day to be out there and felt really warm. Of course when your used to running in -13 to 0 weather anything feels warm!
Go get your destiny, and keep on running!
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
-Dennis Waitley
Becoming Your Destiny
I had many conversations with people yesterday about their futures. I do not know it all by any means but I believe in the principle of getting back up when you fall. I remember the horrible feelings of our car accident in Nov 30, 2007. I had 3 months where I quit running and gave up on everything and everyone. It accomplished nothing. I learned a new outlook from that devastating experience. I learned that if I was going to do any good in this community it wouldn't be from sitting on the couch and feeling sorry for myself. My outlook changed quickly again when I looked at my two small children. Realizing that I can not lead by example by doing nothing. So in a brief moment of time, I stood up, and took off running. So far even with small set backs I haven't turned back yet. I am not perfect by any means but I do know that we can't get to any one destination by standing in one place! We all have a destiny out there and it is up to us to go claim it!
Colleen Miles Article in The Citizen Today
I was very excited to see an article by Mrs. Colleen Miles in today's Citizen newspaper. Mrs. Miles is Braeden's kindergarten teacher. Thank you for all you do Mrs. Miles! Here is a snippet of the article. "Teachers at Herman Avenue Elementary School are in the early stages of implementing “The Daily 5” - a learning structure and classroom management framework that encourage student literacy independence."
To read the rest go to http://www.auburnpub.com/articles/2009/01/23/lake_life/lakelife02.txt
Today's Miles for Miracles Training
Today's run is 6 miles easy. Nothing fancy just running 6 stress free and easy miles. I ran them again at an 8 minute mile pace like instructed. It was a wonderful day to be out there and felt really warm. Of course when your used to running in -13 to 0 weather anything feels warm!
Go get your destiny, and keep on running!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Why Are We Afraid to Fail? /Fundraiser Updates
"Sound character provides the power with which a person may ride the emergencies of life instead of being overwhelmed by them. Failure is... the highway to success." -Og Mandino
Why Are We Afraid to Fail?
I know right now many of us are riding the emergencies of life. I think what separates us are those who will risk it all for a better tomorrow or those that sit back and wait for the other party to go first. I think 2009 will be a year where we need to rise up. A year where we take a step forward and we are not afraid to fail.
I look at it like this: If I train hard for 20 weeks and fall in the Boston Marathon and get hurt, I GET BACK UP! It's that simple! When I first started this program I was afraid. I looked at the average mileage of the program being around 40-42 miles a week. Which I was alright with that. Then I saw how you do two days of hard running and I was a bit nervous. Worrying not only about failing to live up to my expectations but those of others. Then it hit me. If I fall I get back up. If I get hurt, I will petition the Boston Marathon Wheel-Chair event! Either way I am finishing! I plan on running with a camera and a cell phone so people can call me at anytime and find out where I am on the race course. I still plan on finishing under 4 hours.
Today's Miles for Miracles Training
The training today is 7 miles total. 5 miles of it being tempo run. The first mile was a warm-up mile at 8 minutes. The next 5 were tempo miles run at a 7 min mile pace. Then the last one being another cool-down mile of 8 minutes. I felt alright out there. The leg is getting a bit sore from where I slipped the other day but other than that I am feeling great!
Miles For Miracles Update
As of yesterday(not updated on the website yet) we are at a total of $1317. That is great and I am happy we are almost half way there. I would love to hit this goal before the Boston Marathon then I could just concentrate on running. All proceeds are tax deductible to a 501c3 children's hospital. Special thanks to Chris Major and Majorpalooza for their continued support!
50/50's For Zack Saurini
If anyone is interested, Jodi Saurini, will soon have 50/50 raffle tickets available for Zack. For those of you that don't know about Zack he is having surgery at Boston Children's Hospital on February 4th! I wish him the best of luck and I hope we can all put him in our thoughts on that day! You can contact Jodi on facebook or at thesaurinis@yahoo.com
See their blog at http://www.myitaliandarlings.blogspot.com/
Why Are We Afraid to Fail?
I know right now many of us are riding the emergencies of life. I think what separates us are those who will risk it all for a better tomorrow or those that sit back and wait for the other party to go first. I think 2009 will be a year where we need to rise up. A year where we take a step forward and we are not afraid to fail.
I look at it like this: If I train hard for 20 weeks and fall in the Boston Marathon and get hurt, I GET BACK UP! It's that simple! When I first started this program I was afraid. I looked at the average mileage of the program being around 40-42 miles a week. Which I was alright with that. Then I saw how you do two days of hard running and I was a bit nervous. Worrying not only about failing to live up to my expectations but those of others. Then it hit me. If I fall I get back up. If I get hurt, I will petition the Boston Marathon Wheel-Chair event! Either way I am finishing! I plan on running with a camera and a cell phone so people can call me at anytime and find out where I am on the race course. I still plan on finishing under 4 hours.
Today's Miles for Miracles Training
The training today is 7 miles total. 5 miles of it being tempo run. The first mile was a warm-up mile at 8 minutes. The next 5 were tempo miles run at a 7 min mile pace. Then the last one being another cool-down mile of 8 minutes. I felt alright out there. The leg is getting a bit sore from where I slipped the other day but other than that I am feeling great!
Miles For Miracles Update
As of yesterday(not updated on the website yet) we are at a total of $1317. That is great and I am happy we are almost half way there. I would love to hit this goal before the Boston Marathon then I could just concentrate on running. All proceeds are tax deductible to a 501c3 children's hospital. Special thanks to Chris Major and Majorpalooza for their continued support!
50/50's For Zack Saurini
If anyone is interested, Jodi Saurini, will soon have 50/50 raffle tickets available for Zack. For those of you that don't know about Zack he is having surgery at Boston Children's Hospital on February 4th! I wish him the best of luck and I hope we can all put him in our thoughts on that day! You can contact Jodi on facebook or at thesaurinis@yahoo.com
See their blog at http://www.myitaliandarlings.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Falling into Frustration With A Great Idea
“Life is not an easy matter... You cannot live through it without falling into frustration and cynicism unless you have before you a great idea which raises you above personal misery, above weakness, above all kinds of perfidy and baseness.” -Leon Trotsky
Falling into Frustration With a Great Idea
Well as many great thinkers have done, I have fallen into a bit of small frustration. My frustration mainly focused at the community in which I live. A community that has short changed our children and rarely sticks to its word. I have decided that even though we deal with this mindset on a daily basis to try and rise above it. Keep pushing the great ideals of the great people in this community in their face until it resonates a loud sound across the state. So I look at the road ahead filled with fund raising for sick children, benefits and hopefully a 1st annual 5k for cancer, and I say here I come. There isn't a road block big enough to stop me. Yes I am influenced by offers of companies to move me to their state, but I fulfill my promises first and foremost. The promise to the children of bringing something here for them. So if you have a great idea do the following. Climb up on the roof tops and yell it out. Tell your city you are here and that you are coming to make change today for the better!
Today's Training
Today is a scheduled day of rest. So that is what I did.
Don't let your community get you down...
Stand up and keep on running...
Falling into Frustration With a Great Idea
Well as many great thinkers have done, I have fallen into a bit of small frustration. My frustration mainly focused at the community in which I live. A community that has short changed our children and rarely sticks to its word. I have decided that even though we deal with this mindset on a daily basis to try and rise above it. Keep pushing the great ideals of the great people in this community in their face until it resonates a loud sound across the state. So I look at the road ahead filled with fund raising for sick children, benefits and hopefully a 1st annual 5k for cancer, and I say here I come. There isn't a road block big enough to stop me. Yes I am influenced by offers of companies to move me to their state, but I fulfill my promises first and foremost. The promise to the children of bringing something here for them. So if you have a great idea do the following. Climb up on the roof tops and yell it out. Tell your city you are here and that you are coming to make change today for the better!
Today's Training
Today is a scheduled day of rest. So that is what I did.
Don't let your community get you down...
Stand up and keep on running...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Do Not Stand Back Shivering
"The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can." -Robert Cushing
Do Not Stand Back Shivering
I think we can all say that there have been many things in our lives that we consider worth doing. I can say that I have found may. From creating marathons to children's hospitals to any random acts of kindness in helping a neighbor. They are all worth doing on a daily basis. I know life is chaotic for many of us right now. Many of us struggling to pay the bills. I get it it, trust me! I too have worries each night on how am I going to keep a house over our head or how are we going to pay this or that. I have even thought about dropping out of grad school. I decided like Cushing stated to, "scramble through as well as we can." I try to find any form of inspiration each day and keep moving forward. Even if it is only an inch, it is still moving forward! Do not stand back shivering, keep moving forward!
Today's Miles for Miracles Training
The run on today's training log is 3 x 1600 meters at 5k pace. The roads are pretty bad so I sprinted the best I could. The first mile is a warm-up at 8 minute mile pace for me. Then 3 x 1600 meter intervals. Each 1600 meters can be attributed to sprinting for 6 minutes and 30 seconds without stopping. A 2 minute 30 second rest interval in between sprints for a total of 3 times. Then another 1 mile cool-down at the end. Total time of sprints was 19:30 and 7:30 rest intervals. It's in the books! I continue to inch a head one step and one mile at a time!
Even if it's sleeting or snowing
Keep on running, Keep on going!
Do Not Stand Back Shivering
I think we can all say that there have been many things in our lives that we consider worth doing. I can say that I have found may. From creating marathons to children's hospitals to any random acts of kindness in helping a neighbor. They are all worth doing on a daily basis. I know life is chaotic for many of us right now. Many of us struggling to pay the bills. I get it it, trust me! I too have worries each night on how am I going to keep a house over our head or how are we going to pay this or that. I have even thought about dropping out of grad school. I decided like Cushing stated to, "scramble through as well as we can." I try to find any form of inspiration each day and keep moving forward. Even if it is only an inch, it is still moving forward! Do not stand back shivering, keep moving forward!
Today's Miles for Miracles Training
The run on today's training log is 3 x 1600 meters at 5k pace. The roads are pretty bad so I sprinted the best I could. The first mile is a warm-up at 8 minute mile pace for me. Then 3 x 1600 meter intervals. Each 1600 meters can be attributed to sprinting for 6 minutes and 30 seconds without stopping. A 2 minute 30 second rest interval in between sprints for a total of 3 times. Then another 1 mile cool-down at the end. Total time of sprints was 19:30 and 7:30 rest intervals. It's in the books! I continue to inch a head one step and one mile at a time!
Even if it's sleeting or snowing
Keep on running, Keep on going!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Why Running Pushes Life Forward
"If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values - that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that all reality has spiritual control." -Martin Luther King, Jr.
Why Running Pushes Life Forward
Happy Martin Luther King Day to all! The quote above I am thinking about is true for all of us. Many times we forget the basics of the freedoms we have. I think many times we think it easier to look the other way then to lend a hand to our neighbor? On my run today I was thinking about, "Why Running Pushes Life Forward!" Today I ran a short 6 miler at a slow pace. Truly just trying to enjoy my run. Running pushes life forward because when you are running, nothing else matters! During my run my stacks of bills don't matter! During my runs I don't worry about paying the house or the gas and electric! It is my time for me. I know I am not the fastest human on the planet but some day's I feel like I am someone else. Some day's I feel the endurance of a Ryan Hall. Other days I feel the speed of a Usain Bolt. Though I will never be as fast or as strong as them, I feel some days I can be them, if just for a brief second in time. Running gives you a brief moment in time where your life is A+ no matter what. Today for 47:49 I was being the best I can be and enjoying that moment in time.
Today's Training
Today's training is 6 miles easy. That's about it. I ran 6 miles at an 8 minute pace yet again. Sloshing and stumbling around Auburn. Tomorrow is speed work day! Woo-Hoo!
Keep Pushing Forward and Keep on Running!
Why Running Pushes Life Forward
Happy Martin Luther King Day to all! The quote above I am thinking about is true for all of us. Many times we forget the basics of the freedoms we have. I think many times we think it easier to look the other way then to lend a hand to our neighbor? On my run today I was thinking about, "Why Running Pushes Life Forward!" Today I ran a short 6 miler at a slow pace. Truly just trying to enjoy my run. Running pushes life forward because when you are running, nothing else matters! During my run my stacks of bills don't matter! During my runs I don't worry about paying the house or the gas and electric! It is my time for me. I know I am not the fastest human on the planet but some day's I feel like I am someone else. Some day's I feel the endurance of a Ryan Hall. Other days I feel the speed of a Usain Bolt. Though I will never be as fast or as strong as them, I feel some days I can be them, if just for a brief second in time. Running gives you a brief moment in time where your life is A+ no matter what. Today for 47:49 I was being the best I can be and enjoying that moment in time.
Today's Training
Today's training is 6 miles easy. That's about it. I ran 6 miles at an 8 minute pace yet again. Sloshing and stumbling around Auburn. Tomorrow is speed work day! Woo-Hoo!
Keep Pushing Forward and Keep on Running!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Far Away in the SunShine
"Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead." -Louisa May Alcott
Far Away in the Sunshine
Well I want to wish everyone a wonderful Sunday morning. I think of the quote above and it has been really close to how my running has been. Everyday I don't worry about the conditions. I think of the sunshine that will be here in the coming months. I think of my aspirations of finishing the Boston Marathon. When I think of these things along with the thought of my kids being at the finish line, it all makes me feel warm. Too many people in the United States take too many things for granted. They also get too comfortable. Many have forgotten what it feels like to stand up and fight for something. No matter what your goal is or how hard it may be? Today is the day we start to stand up and fight for that goal. Even if you don't reach it, know that you went out fighting for it! Kudos to those of you I saw out running on the streets of Auburn yesterday!
Day of Rest
Today is a day of rest for me after the 14 mile ice run yesterday. My daughter had a sleepover with many friends and it was a long day and night of festivities. They continue on through tomorrow. So it will be yet another long day, but one that is fun!
Think of the sun and continue on your run! Keep on running!
Far Away in the Sunshine
Well I want to wish everyone a wonderful Sunday morning. I think of the quote above and it has been really close to how my running has been. Everyday I don't worry about the conditions. I think of the sunshine that will be here in the coming months. I think of my aspirations of finishing the Boston Marathon. When I think of these things along with the thought of my kids being at the finish line, it all makes me feel warm. Too many people in the United States take too many things for granted. They also get too comfortable. Many have forgotten what it feels like to stand up and fight for something. No matter what your goal is or how hard it may be? Today is the day we start to stand up and fight for that goal. Even if you don't reach it, know that you went out fighting for it! Kudos to those of you I saw out running on the streets of Auburn yesterday!
Day of Rest
Today is a day of rest for me after the 14 mile ice run yesterday. My daughter had a sleepover with many friends and it was a long day and night of festivities. They continue on through tomorrow. So it will be yet another long day, but one that is fun!
Think of the sun and continue on your run! Keep on running!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
14 Miles Through the Auburn Tundra
Definition of: Tundra
"Definition: One of the level or undulating treeless plains characteristic of northern arctic regions in both hemispheres; The tundras mark the limit of arborescent vegetation; they consist of black mucky soil with a permanently frozen subsoil, but support a dense growth of mosses and lichens, and dwarf herbs and shrubs, often showy-flowered."14 Miles Through the Auburn Tundra
Well I made it. It was by far the coldest run I have ever done. When I left the windchill was around -11 degrees. I knew that I had never run 14 miles in this weather. Its much easier when its spring. It felt like running through a tundra. Frozen grass and hard road beating my feet. No life around for miles. The wind was not my friend today but none the less I persevered! I ran the 14 miles in 1:59:04. Not one of my faster times but it felt great to finish given the conditions! Now off to enjoy the rest of the day with the kids!
Thank you to Anna and Jamie for your donation to Miles for Miracles last night! We are creeping closer and closer to the goal!
Get out your warmest clothes and keep on running!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Fighting the Icy Icy Chill
“And as I looked up, I was gazing on a hill, and in my spine I felt an icy, icy chill. And as I looked upon him, my heart was filled with fear. I was looking at a man sporting a funny crown, three nails, and a spear.” -Nate Ramer
Fighting the Icy Icy Chill
Well that quote above cracked me up. I went out today and battled the -13 degree windchill here on the lake. I felt many icy icy chills in my spine but I kept on fighting along. I wouldn't be surprised though if I had run a couple more miles I may have started seeing a man with a funny crown. The winter plays tricks on you but its not a reason to throw in the towel. Today I conquered the icy chill and look forward to my next battle with the ice man. Though my face is starting to get windburned!
Today's Training
Today run was 6 easy. 6 miles easy at a 8 min mile pace. I hit it right on target. Nothing else to report. Tomorrow will be the gut check. 14 mile long run in this horrible weather.
Not snow or ice can keep me down
Keep on running with your feet on the ground!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Winter Doesn't Stop Life, Just Slows It Down!
Life is like a library owned by the author.
In it are a few books which he wrote himself,
but most of them were written for him.
Harry Emerson Fosdick
Winter Doesn't Stop Life, Just Slows It Down!
Well today was probably the coldest run I have felt in a long time if not ever. I had to get out there early this morning because I have meetings and a reading to the kindergarten class this afternoon. I just say don't let the weather overwhelm you. Don't shut in! Wake up, Stand Up and Overcome!
Yes the roads are awful and the conditions terrible. No matter what nasty conditions we are dealt, we must stand up and defeat the issues. Today that is how I felt on the run. It would have been easy to make an excuse not to run the program today. Then I would have to live with myself not doing it! I tell myself that it will just slow me down a bit that's all. I just have to keep on striding one foot after another! Watching out for the nutty drivers on their cell phones in the process!
Today's Training
Today's run was 7 miles. 2 Miles warm-up and 5 mile temp run. I ran a bit harder on the warm-up today because well I was freezing and I wanted it to end. My 2 warm-up miles were at a 7:40 pace per mile. My temp run was at a 6:55 pace for 5 miles. Which was very good because the roads were in the worst shape I have seen yet. I am very pleased with the training so far!
Until tomorrow, Keep on Running!
In it are a few books which he wrote himself,
but most of them were written for him.
Harry Emerson Fosdick
Winter Doesn't Stop Life, Just Slows It Down!
Well today was probably the coldest run I have felt in a long time if not ever. I had to get out there early this morning because I have meetings and a reading to the kindergarten class this afternoon. I just say don't let the weather overwhelm you. Don't shut in! Wake up, Stand Up and Overcome!
Yes the roads are awful and the conditions terrible. No matter what nasty conditions we are dealt, we must stand up and defeat the issues. Today that is how I felt on the run. It would have been easy to make an excuse not to run the program today. Then I would have to live with myself not doing it! I tell myself that it will just slow me down a bit that's all. I just have to keep on striding one foot after another! Watching out for the nutty drivers on their cell phones in the process!
Today's Training
Today's run was 7 miles. 2 Miles warm-up and 5 mile temp run. I ran a bit harder on the warm-up today because well I was freezing and I wanted it to end. My 2 warm-up miles were at a 7:40 pace per mile. My temp run was at a 6:55 pace for 5 miles. Which was very good because the roads were in the worst shape I have seen yet. I am very pleased with the training so far!
Until tomorrow, Keep on Running!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Happy Birthday Letter to My Daughter
Dear Kaylei,
I want to wish you the happiest 8th birthday ever! It has been the best 8 years of my life. We have struggled through a lot with illness and the car accident but you have grown to be the best 8 year old there is. In the last year I have watched you tear off the hospital cast and grow into being a great person. A little girl that volunteers at events, read 500 books and well just likes to have fun. I love you with all my heart Kaylei! Happy Birthday Kiddo! I look forward to a fun week with you!
Love Dad
I want to wish you the happiest 8th birthday ever! It has been the best 8 years of my life. We have struggled through a lot with illness and the car accident but you have grown to be the best 8 year old there is. In the last year I have watched you tear off the hospital cast and grow into being a great person. A little girl that volunteers at events, read 500 books and well just likes to have fun. I love you with all my heart Kaylei! Happy Birthday Kiddo! I look forward to a fun week with you!
Love Dad
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
What My Grandmother Always Told Me/ Happy Birthday Kaylei!
"What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies." ~Rudolph Giuliani
What My Grandmother Always Told Me
Well my grandmother gave me plenty of cookies growing up though it never put any weight on me. The most important lesson she always taught was to work hard. Don't worry about all of the hardships to just keep pushing through. I don't think I really got that message clear until today. Growing up I had issues. I used to be a little jokester. When my daughter was born I vowed to never let that rub off. It's one thing to make someone laugh. It is another to make someone laugh when you aren't laughing inside. I was literally frustrated and exhausted. Frustrated that I have less than a week to pay another fee I didn't know about for the Boston Marathon. Exhausted from the sprints out to the lake in winds that nearly picked me up off the road. As I sprinted past the high school, I looked over at the cemetery on my right. Looking at my grandmothers headstone. Realizing that it is going to take more hard work for me to train the next 15 weeks. Many times running exercises I won't like but I will prevail. It will also take hard work to reach this fundraising goal of $3000. I try to think it's not about the money and if all else fails it is tax season soon! Remember a message your grandmother may have given you one day. It may be the only thing getting you through a hard time.
Today's Workout
The training for today is 1 mile warm-up, 4 x 1200 meter sprints, and a 1 mile cool-down! It went really well and I felt strong out there. That is except that brief 10 seconds where I felt like I was picked up off the ground. I finished the 4 x 1200 meters in 19:35 with 2:15 intervals between each sprint. I was very happy with that with the conditions and looking forward to my rest day tomorrow!
Happy 8th Birthday Kaylei tomorrow! Dad Loves You!
Until tomorrow, Keep on Running!
What My Grandmother Always Told Me
Well my grandmother gave me plenty of cookies growing up though it never put any weight on me. The most important lesson she always taught was to work hard. Don't worry about all of the hardships to just keep pushing through. I don't think I really got that message clear until today. Growing up I had issues. I used to be a little jokester. When my daughter was born I vowed to never let that rub off. It's one thing to make someone laugh. It is another to make someone laugh when you aren't laughing inside. I was literally frustrated and exhausted. Frustrated that I have less than a week to pay another fee I didn't know about for the Boston Marathon. Exhausted from the sprints out to the lake in winds that nearly picked me up off the road. As I sprinted past the high school, I looked over at the cemetery on my right. Looking at my grandmothers headstone. Realizing that it is going to take more hard work for me to train the next 15 weeks. Many times running exercises I won't like but I will prevail. It will also take hard work to reach this fundraising goal of $3000. I try to think it's not about the money and if all else fails it is tax season soon! Remember a message your grandmother may have given you one day. It may be the only thing getting you through a hard time.
Today's Workout
The training for today is 1 mile warm-up, 4 x 1200 meter sprints, and a 1 mile cool-down! It went really well and I felt strong out there. That is except that brief 10 seconds where I felt like I was picked up off the ground. I finished the 4 x 1200 meters in 19:35 with 2:15 intervals between each sprint. I was very happy with that with the conditions and looking forward to my rest day tomorrow!
Happy 8th Birthday Kaylei tomorrow! Dad Loves You!
Until tomorrow, Keep on Running!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Do What You Have To Do
"First say to yourself what you would be;
and then do what you have to do."- Epictetus
Do What You Have To Do
Dropping my kids off at school this morning, I thought about the morning run. I knew that I had to get in six miles of hills today but the route I normally take was slippery and snowy. I went back home and got on my two pairs of socks, my plastic bags over my socks and said, "I have to do, what I have to do!" So I set out and ran through the slippery sidewalks and roads to get today's workout done. I realized that by running the Boston Marathon for these children I am doing the right thing. It is something that feels good to me. I am, "doing what I have to do!. It is something that is not about the money, though I am not getting any richer believe me, but it is about support. Those of you who have supported me with emails, letters and donations have won my heart out there. You are the people that continue to push me and get me through the cold winter days! I thank You for Your Support!
Today's Workout!
The run scheduled for today is an easy 6 with added hills. So I ran from my house out towards all the wonderful hills going towards Skaneateles on route 5. This has become my Monday route. I ran it a minute slow but for about 3 miles I had no footing and heavy wind so I was very happy to have finished in 49 minutes.
Not rain, nor sleet, nor snow can stop me! Until next time, Keep on running!
and then do what you have to do."- Epictetus
Do What You Have To Do
Dropping my kids off at school this morning, I thought about the morning run. I knew that I had to get in six miles of hills today but the route I normally take was slippery and snowy. I went back home and got on my two pairs of socks, my plastic bags over my socks and said, "I have to do, what I have to do!" So I set out and ran through the slippery sidewalks and roads to get today's workout done. I realized that by running the Boston Marathon for these children I am doing the right thing. It is something that feels good to me. I am, "doing what I have to do!. It is something that is not about the money, though I am not getting any richer believe me, but it is about support. Those of you who have supported me with emails, letters and donations have won my heart out there. You are the people that continue to push me and get me through the cold winter days! I thank You for Your Support!
Today's Workout!
The run scheduled for today is an easy 6 with added hills. So I ran from my house out towards all the wonderful hills going towards Skaneateles on route 5. This has become my Monday route. I ran it a minute slow but for about 3 miles I had no footing and heavy wind so I was very happy to have finished in 49 minutes.
Not rain, nor sleet, nor snow can stop me! Until next time, Keep on running!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
What We Will Accomplish in 2009!
"There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something." - Henry Ford
What We Will Accomplish in 2009?
I know for me that 2009 will be a great year! It will be a year of many firsts. In April I will run my first Boston Marathon. In May our 1st Annual run for cancer and the end of grad school for me! It's a year where I want to move ahead. Like I said 2009 is the year where we can raise the bar! In June I am going to take a collective vote through email and facebook to decide which charity we are going to focus on from 09-10. That way everyone gets a chance for a voice. I do also want to move ahead with some Therun4life services as well. I would like to get into the schools and speak to kids about how to Dream...Believe...Achieve... Together I think we can move mountains. You just have to believe.
End of Week #4- Today's Training
Today is a rest day or cross training option for me in the Miles for Miracles Program. So I have scheduled in 60 minutes of cross training. Yoga with core strength workouts to lead me into a strong looking week #5! Only 16 more weeks to go!
Have a great Sunday! Sunday is fun day and an I don't have to run day!
What We Will Accomplish in 2009?
I know for me that 2009 will be a great year! It will be a year of many firsts. In April I will run my first Boston Marathon. In May our 1st Annual run for cancer and the end of grad school for me! It's a year where I want to move ahead. Like I said 2009 is the year where we can raise the bar! In June I am going to take a collective vote through email and facebook to decide which charity we are going to focus on from 09-10. That way everyone gets a chance for a voice. I do also want to move ahead with some Therun4life services as well. I would like to get into the schools and speak to kids about how to Dream...Believe...Achieve... Together I think we can move mountains. You just have to believe.
End of Week #4- Today's Training
Today is a rest day or cross training option for me in the Miles for Miracles Program. So I have scheduled in 60 minutes of cross training. Yoga with core strength workouts to lead me into a strong looking week #5! Only 16 more weeks to go!
Have a great Sunday! Sunday is fun day and an I don't have to run day!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Nature An Infinite Depth- 13 Mile Long Run Today
"To the wisest man, wide as is his vision. Nature remains of quite infinite depth, of quite infinite expansion and all experience thereof limits itself to some few computed centuries and measured square miles." -Thomas Carlyle
Nature An Infinite Depth
I will say that nature sure felt infinite today. It was a quiet and desolate 13 mile run this morning. I switched my afternoon run to the morning because of a snow storm supposed to hit at noon. So I looked at it as do I take the clear roads and freezing temperatures or do I wait and battle the slippery snow. So I decided to battle the cold instead. If you dress right it isn't that bad. The only thing that can beat you out there is nature itself and I won't let nature beat me. Like I just got finished saying to Marie on facebook, I never thought I would be running these distances. Four years ago I couldn't run a mile without passing out and now I am running 26.2 mile runs. It all seems so incredible. I try and cherish each moment like it were to be my last. Each step with purpose of fulfilling my goal.
Today's Run- 13 Miles Long
The run today was 13 miles. I had one mile where the cold got to me and I slowed. Of course I was going up a big hill out past the lake but oh well. When I left it was 7 degrees and -3 degrees windchill towards the lake according to weather.com. So I wasn't planning any blazing times due to the wind on the lake but I did good! I finished the 13 miles in 1:46:44.
Well I am going to thaw and play with the kids! It's a miracle how fast my recovery time is now! 3 years ago I would have to sleep a day after a 5k. Now I can run all day and play with them about 15 minutes later! What a great feeling.
Fundraising Goal Update
Many of you have been asking how much we have raised so far for Miles for Miracles. As of last night we are at $802. We have $2200 more to raise by April 20th! Feel free to keep checking the website for updates at http://www.therun4life.org
Enjoy your weekend and keep on running!
Nature An Infinite Depth
I will say that nature sure felt infinite today. It was a quiet and desolate 13 mile run this morning. I switched my afternoon run to the morning because of a snow storm supposed to hit at noon. So I looked at it as do I take the clear roads and freezing temperatures or do I wait and battle the slippery snow. So I decided to battle the cold instead. If you dress right it isn't that bad. The only thing that can beat you out there is nature itself and I won't let nature beat me. Like I just got finished saying to Marie on facebook, I never thought I would be running these distances. Four years ago I couldn't run a mile without passing out and now I am running 26.2 mile runs. It all seems so incredible. I try and cherish each moment like it were to be my last. Each step with purpose of fulfilling my goal.
Today's Run- 13 Miles Long
The run today was 13 miles. I had one mile where the cold got to me and I slowed. Of course I was going up a big hill out past the lake but oh well. When I left it was 7 degrees and -3 degrees windchill towards the lake according to weather.com. So I wasn't planning any blazing times due to the wind on the lake but I did good! I finished the 13 miles in 1:46:44.
Well I am going to thaw and play with the kids! It's a miracle how fast my recovery time is now! 3 years ago I would have to sleep a day after a 5k. Now I can run all day and play with them about 15 minutes later! What a great feeling.
Fundraising Goal Update
Many of you have been asking how much we have raised so far for Miles for Miracles. As of last night we are at $802. We have $2200 more to raise by April 20th! Feel free to keep checking the website for updates at http://www.therun4life.org
Enjoy your weekend and keep on running!
Friday, January 9, 2009
A View From Todays Run
Don't Almost Give Radio Spot
"It is every man's obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it." -Albert Einstein
Don't Almost Give Radio Spot
I think I see far too many people taking at this point in time and hey to each his own. Many do what they need to do to survive and blame the economy. While out thinking about another friend who has a son going to Boston Children's Hospital, I heard an ad come on. I heard a radio spot for http://www.dontalmostgive.org They had a unique spot on giving. Things that many of us probably hear everyday. "Oh I almost did this or that!" They rank that up there with giving. I do too. It isn't all about the money either, I feel it's about supporting your fellow friend in the community. Many times I watch people look the other way. Many times people complain about something because it gets in the way of their schedule for 5 minutes. Each time not realizing the work that goes into it for the other person. Don't almost do something. Do it and be more supportive of your fellow man! I think all of you are wonderful people and you have my support for whatever you need! (Within Reason)
Today's Training- Easy 5
Today's Training was an easy 5 miles in 39:15. I actually stopped and talked to an old coworker of mine on the run for a couple minutes. Seems like all this running in the cold doesn't bother me anymore.
Each day can be an inspirational one...If you let it...Keep on running!
Don't Almost Give Radio Spot
I think I see far too many people taking at this point in time and hey to each his own. Many do what they need to do to survive and blame the economy. While out thinking about another friend who has a son going to Boston Children's Hospital, I heard an ad come on. I heard a radio spot for http://www.dontalmostgive.org They had a unique spot on giving. Things that many of us probably hear everyday. "Oh I almost did this or that!" They rank that up there with giving. I do too. It isn't all about the money either, I feel it's about supporting your fellow friend in the community. Many times I watch people look the other way. Many times people complain about something because it gets in the way of their schedule for 5 minutes. Each time not realizing the work that goes into it for the other person. Don't almost do something. Do it and be more supportive of your fellow man! I think all of you are wonderful people and you have my support for whatever you need! (Within Reason)
Today's Training- Easy 5
Today's Training was an easy 5 miles in 39:15. I actually stopped and talked to an old coworker of mine on the run for a couple minutes. Seems like all this running in the cold doesn't bother me anymore.
Each day can be an inspirational one...If you let it...Keep on running!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Taking Stairs...Not Pills..Blogging After Working Out!
A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time - pills or stairs. ~Joan Welsh
Taking Stairs, Not Pills!
I have become a firm believer in exercise being better than pills. Before I started running I was on medication for thyroid disorder. Plus many other pills I can't even remember. Since I started running, I have been less sick and not on any medication. I know I am a freak instance but I am a believer. So today I take two stairs instead of two pills!
Blogging After Working Out
I have become a firm believer in blogging right after my workout. I try to capture the essence of how I am feeling after it and then I can look back to see how I feel. I advise many of you to do the same. Keep a journal, log or blog on your daily activities. I first learned to do this in a training program over 2 years ago. I would write down how I felt after each activity. We currently have online logs that we do for team Therun4life. They are located at http://www.athleticore.com
Blog your workouts and I bet you will be surprised at how much better you feel over time!
Today's Workout
Today's training is 6 miles with Tempo. 1 mile warm-up, 4 mile temp-run, and 1 mile cool-down. Today's conditions were very bleak. Actually now after my run I saw a plow. I was targeting 7:30 per mile pace because of the conditions because cars can't even drive. I ended up doing the tempo in a 7:19 per mile pace. Which I was happy about given the conditions. I truly believe that there are no excuses. You just get out there. The conditions are bad then you, "accept" what you are given. Believe in yourself and the rest will fall into place!
Until Tomorrow! Keep on Snow-shoeing, uh uh I mean running!
Taking Stairs, Not Pills!
I have become a firm believer in exercise being better than pills. Before I started running I was on medication for thyroid disorder. Plus many other pills I can't even remember. Since I started running, I have been less sick and not on any medication. I know I am a freak instance but I am a believer. So today I take two stairs instead of two pills!
Blogging After Working Out
I have become a firm believer in blogging right after my workout. I try to capture the essence of how I am feeling after it and then I can look back to see how I feel. I advise many of you to do the same. Keep a journal, log or blog on your daily activities. I first learned to do this in a training program over 2 years ago. I would write down how I felt after each activity. We currently have online logs that we do for team Therun4life. They are located at http://www.athleticore.com
Blog your workouts and I bet you will be surprised at how much better you feel over time!
Today's Workout
Today's training is 6 miles with Tempo. 1 mile warm-up, 4 mile temp-run, and 1 mile cool-down. Today's conditions were very bleak. Actually now after my run I saw a plow. I was targeting 7:30 per mile pace because of the conditions because cars can't even drive. I ended up doing the tempo in a 7:19 per mile pace. Which I was happy about given the conditions. I truly believe that there are no excuses. You just get out there. The conditions are bad then you, "accept" what you are given. Believe in yourself and the rest will fall into place!
Until Tomorrow! Keep on Snow-shoeing, uh uh I mean running!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Q & A: About the Run For Boston
"To be on a quest is nothing more or less than to become an asker of questions." - Sam Keen
Q & A: The Run 4 Boston
Many of you have had multiple questions to me about my quest for Boston. I have received more or less more than 75-100 emails or messages through facebook about this quest for Boston I am on. I want to attempt to answer these questions for you. Do not feel bad because I have had numerous questions to the coaches and hospital staff as well. It is all about getting comfortable with what you are doing and the people you are working with! If you have more feel free to write and thank you for your support!
Q: Why Are You Running? Well I have been asked this many times. I do it for my kids. They inspired me to run for sick children in our country. This latest goal is an attempt to raise funds, awareness and conquer a personal goal. Not to mention have a new place to visit for the kids!
Q: How long is the Boston Marathon and when is it? It is 26.23 miles long and it is held on April 20, 2009!
Q: Where Can I Donate? You can go to http://www.therun4life.org I have a direct link to the secure Children's Hospital website that they gave me. You can make an online donation right away. If you can't make an online donation you can send a check/MO to:
Vin Gleason.
48 Perry Street
Auburn, NY 13021
All Checks made out to Children's Hospital or they will be sent back!
I or Therun4life is not profiting by this event.
Q: Are You Running for a 501c3 Organization? Yes Children's Hospital is an official not-for-profit hospital. All donations are tax deductible and donors will receive letters in the mail within 2-3 weeks following the donation.
Q: Can I See A List of People Who Have Donated? Yes you can. You can go to the official Boston Marathon Fundraiser at https://howtohelp.childrenshospital.org/bostonmarathon09/pfp/Default.asp?ID=GV0003
Q: How is Training Going? Good so far. I have never done a 20 week marathon training program. I also have never run more than four days in the winter. With this new program I have to workout everyday. Five days of running with an average of 40 miles per week. Two days of cross training. Which I have been using Wii Fit to keep me pliable. Running in the ice and snow is very challenging for someone with beat up legs like me but I will prevail!
Q: Can I See an Example of Your Training: Sure can. I have attached a link to a PDF file my training is the lower red, advanced training.
Q: Have You Thought About Public Speaking? Yes, seeing we spent so much in our community and got little return, I was thinking about it soon. Maybe to try and actually make a dollar for my family. We are at a tough period right now and it will be happening in the future. Although I need much preparation for that and it won't happen till after Boston. I have spoken over the last two years at a couple different places for children but nothing major.
Vin Blogs daily at http://run2savelives.blogspot.com/
Q & A: The Run 4 Boston
Many of you have had multiple questions to me about my quest for Boston. I have received more or less more than 75-100 emails or messages through facebook about this quest for Boston I am on. I want to attempt to answer these questions for you. Do not feel bad because I have had numerous questions to the coaches and hospital staff as well. It is all about getting comfortable with what you are doing and the people you are working with! If you have more feel free to write and thank you for your support!
Q: Why Are You Running? Well I have been asked this many times. I do it for my kids. They inspired me to run for sick children in our country. This latest goal is an attempt to raise funds, awareness and conquer a personal goal. Not to mention have a new place to visit for the kids!
Q: How long is the Boston Marathon and when is it? It is 26.23 miles long and it is held on April 20, 2009!
Q: Where Can I Donate? You can go to http://www.therun4life.org I have a direct link to the secure Children's Hospital website that they gave me. You can make an online donation right away. If you can't make an online donation you can send a check/MO to:
Vin Gleason.
48 Perry Street
Auburn, NY 13021
All Checks made out to Children's Hospital or they will be sent back!
I or Therun4life is not profiting by this event.
Q: Are You Running for a 501c3 Organization? Yes Children's Hospital is an official not-for-profit hospital. All donations are tax deductible and donors will receive letters in the mail within 2-3 weeks following the donation.
Q: Can I See A List of People Who Have Donated? Yes you can. You can go to the official Boston Marathon Fundraiser at https://howtohelp.childrenshospital.org/bostonmarathon09/pfp/Default.asp?ID=GV0003
Q: How is Training Going? Good so far. I have never done a 20 week marathon training program. I also have never run more than four days in the winter. With this new program I have to workout everyday. Five days of running with an average of 40 miles per week. Two days of cross training. Which I have been using Wii Fit to keep me pliable. Running in the ice and snow is very challenging for someone with beat up legs like me but I will prevail!
Q: Can I See an Example of Your Training: Sure can. I have attached a link to a PDF file my training is the lower red, advanced training.
Q: Have You Thought About Public Speaking? Yes, seeing we spent so much in our community and got little return, I was thinking about it soon. Maybe to try and actually make a dollar for my family. We are at a tough period right now and it will be happening in the future. Although I need much preparation for that and it won't happen till after Boston. I have spoken over the last two years at a couple different places for children but nothing major.
Vin Blogs daily at http://run2savelives.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Still Achieving...Still Pursuing /1000m Sprints

I found the banner above on a website called motivationalquotes.com. I was looking for some wallpaper motivational stuff to keep me going in my head each day. I thought about it. Each day since I set out on this quest. I have achieved things that I never have. My children have also achieved wonderful things. These goals that we give ourselves make each day more meaningful. Each day filled with excitement and joy once the goal is met. I say to myself, "I give 200% each day!" No matter what. No excuses that it's too warm or too cold. I once remembered a Japanese proverb that claimed, "accept." So each day I "accept" what the conditions give me and I go out and conquer them. It really is that easy once you get past the blocks in your mind.
Today's Boston Training: 1000M Sprints
The training today was 1000m sprints. 5 x 1000 meters with 2:00 minute rest intervals. This was pretty tiring on me. After the knee surgery and procedure in 96, and 2006, my knees aren't getting any better. I will say that all of the Wii fit workouts have helped condition them more. Regardless I set out today to pump it up a little bit. I am no Chris Mason with speed but I give it all I got with heart when I get out there. (Good Luck in 09 Chris by the way!) My workout went well. 1 mile warm-up, 4.8 miles workout and 1.2 mile cool-down. The 4.8 miles was 5000meters in 19:35 and rest intervals equaled 10 minutes. I was very happy! Now I gotta go ice the knees!
Until tomorrow! Keep on running!
Vin blogs daily at http://run2savelives.blogspot.com/
Monday, January 5, 2009
Hill Running / Fixing Things
"For fixing things around the house, nothing is handier than a man with a checkbook" -Anonymous
Fixing Things
Normally I feel the quote above. Seeing I was broke I was hoping for an easier fix. So today I tackled fixing parts of my car. Changing a light bulb or a fuse is a major event for me. I had to get my car inspected or else! It has been dying on me regularly and won't start in the mornings. So Sunday I fixed the lighting! That was major hurdle #1. Today I got the car inspected! That was major hurdle #2! Then I put in windshield washer fluid! Major hurdle #3! Then the big kicker! I changed the battery! Woo-Hoo! I feel like celebrating! I can't too long though because now I have to get the kids from school!
Hill Running
Today's Run was a 5.8 mile hill run. I Did it in roughly a 7:41 pace. Which was way too fast but I was cranky and wanted to get the car done. I ran from my house on Perry Street towards Skaneateles through some nice big hills!
That's it for today! I am going to turn the key and cherish the sound of a starting engine! Like my car, Keep on running!
Fixing Things
Normally I feel the quote above. Seeing I was broke I was hoping for an easier fix. So today I tackled fixing parts of my car. Changing a light bulb or a fuse is a major event for me. I had to get my car inspected or else! It has been dying on me regularly and won't start in the mornings. So Sunday I fixed the lighting! That was major hurdle #1. Today I got the car inspected! That was major hurdle #2! Then I put in windshield washer fluid! Major hurdle #3! Then the big kicker! I changed the battery! Woo-Hoo! I feel like celebrating! I can't too long though because now I have to get the kids from school!
Hill Running
Today's Run was a 5.8 mile hill run. I Did it in roughly a 7:41 pace. Which was way too fast but I was cranky and wanted to get the car done. I ran from my house on Perry Street towards Skaneateles through some nice big hills!
That's it for today! I am going to turn the key and cherish the sound of a starting engine! Like my car, Keep on running!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Sunday the Quiet Cure For All
"A Sunday well spent brings a week of content" -Proverb
Sunday: My Cure
I really look forward to Sunday now. Most likely for the sole reason that it isn't a running day. I get to rest or cross train. Normally I do the later but normally I just ran a boat load of miles on Saturday and I long for some sit time. I have noticed when I am most organized and relaxed on Sunday, that my week following that is so much better. Everything seems to fall in place when I address it early. Last week was a rough week for us and I am looking forward to a new fresh week coming up. I am kinda sad that the kids are going back to school! We were having so much fun!
Sunday Training
Sunday is 60-90 minutes of cross training. Due to the tightness in my legs I have been doing yoga, lower back and ab work on this day. Trying to keep myself centered so that when I am tired on long runs, my body holds it together! Back to running tomorrow!
I hope you all have wonderful weeks this upcoming week! May each step be filled with purpose! Keep on Running!
For those who still are interested in donating to the cause go to http://www.therun4life.org and click on the big red donate link. All the information is there! All donations are tax deductible. I am still $2000 away from my goal for the kids. All help is appreciated!
Sunday: My Cure
I really look forward to Sunday now. Most likely for the sole reason that it isn't a running day. I get to rest or cross train. Normally I do the later but normally I just ran a boat load of miles on Saturday and I long for some sit time. I have noticed when I am most organized and relaxed on Sunday, that my week following that is so much better. Everything seems to fall in place when I address it early. Last week was a rough week for us and I am looking forward to a new fresh week coming up. I am kinda sad that the kids are going back to school! We were having so much fun!
Sunday Training
Sunday is 60-90 minutes of cross training. Due to the tightness in my legs I have been doing yoga, lower back and ab work on this day. Trying to keep myself centered so that when I am tired on long runs, my body holds it together! Back to running tomorrow!
I hope you all have wonderful weeks this upcoming week! May each step be filled with purpose! Keep on Running!
For those who still are interested in donating to the cause go to http://www.therun4life.org and click on the big red donate link. All the information is there! All donations are tax deductible. I am still $2000 away from my goal for the kids. All help is appreciated!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Winter: The Time of Promise/ Long Run
Winter is the time of promise because there is so little to do - or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so. ~Stanley Crawford
The Time of Promise
I look at winter as a challenge that has been bestowed upon me. With each day and step it gets harder to run but the blizzard will not get me down. I am on a destiny of purpose, or at least I feel that to be true! I do not feel alone out there anymore. I feel like I have people like yourself that are in my corner pushing me each passing mile. Thank you my friend for pushing me today! This year I have learned that just because it is winter, it doesn't meant that there is not plenty of life out there to be shared!
Today's Training- The Long Run
My run today was a challenging 12 miles. Normally 12 miles does not bother me on a run but in the weather some times you get bothered. The first six miles I had the wind at my back and then it was a fight to the finish on the way home. I made a new challenging course that took me around Auburn and out Owasco lake and back. I finished the 12 mile run in 1:37:29. Which I feel was pretty good given these conditions. Not to mention a car stopped me to ask me directions! Yep ask the guy that is shaking, freezing and on foot! Haha! Anyways I am looking forward to a cross training/rest day tomorrow!
I hope everyone has enjoyed there new year! It is a time where the slate is brushed clean and new goals can be set and conquered! Keep on running!
The Time of Promise
I look at winter as a challenge that has been bestowed upon me. With each day and step it gets harder to run but the blizzard will not get me down. I am on a destiny of purpose, or at least I feel that to be true! I do not feel alone out there anymore. I feel like I have people like yourself that are in my corner pushing me each passing mile. Thank you my friend for pushing me today! This year I have learned that just because it is winter, it doesn't meant that there is not plenty of life out there to be shared!
Today's Training- The Long Run
My run today was a challenging 12 miles. Normally 12 miles does not bother me on a run but in the weather some times you get bothered. The first six miles I had the wind at my back and then it was a fight to the finish on the way home. I made a new challenging course that took me around Auburn and out Owasco lake and back. I finished the 12 mile run in 1:37:29. Which I feel was pretty good given these conditions. Not to mention a car stopped me to ask me directions! Yep ask the guy that is shaking, freezing and on foot! Haha! Anyways I am looking forward to a cross training/rest day tomorrow!
I hope everyone has enjoyed there new year! It is a time where the slate is brushed clean and new goals can be set and conquered! Keep on running!
Friday, January 2, 2009
The Roads are Always Open! Utica Run With JW!
"There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open." - Nike
The Roads are Always Open
Well the quote above is very true. I was getting a bit bored running the same ole run here in Auburn so I contacted fellow Therun4life.org runner, Jeremy West. JW lives in Marcy which is close to Utica. I figured it would be a good day to get in a run with a running buddy and get a couple hours of driving in to myself! The great thing about running is that you can go anywhere! You can run any time and any place! You can run in the rain or snow! You just do it! You don't make excuses! You just believe you can do it and then go out and do it! That easy! Thats my motto! Start small and dream big!
Today's Training
Today's run is 6 miles easy with JW! Intervals were 8:04. Nice easy miles on target. Though with the uphill and snow it didn't feel easy today! Thanks for the Spaghetti lunch too buddy! It hit the spot!
Until tomorrow! Keep on Running!
The Roads are Always Open
Well the quote above is very true. I was getting a bit bored running the same ole run here in Auburn so I contacted fellow Therun4life.org runner, Jeremy West. JW lives in Marcy which is close to Utica. I figured it would be a good day to get in a run with a running buddy and get a couple hours of driving in to myself! The great thing about running is that you can go anywhere! You can run any time and any place! You can run in the rain or snow! You just do it! You don't make excuses! You just believe you can do it and then go out and do it! That easy! Thats my motto! Start small and dream big!
Today's Training
Today's run is 6 miles easy with JW! Intervals were 8:04. Nice easy miles on target. Though with the uphill and snow it didn't feel easy today! Thanks for the Spaghetti lunch too buddy! It hit the spot!
Until tomorrow! Keep on Running!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Raise The Bar in 2009!
“It was time to raise the bar higher, or lower if you're doing limbo.” -Tre Cool
Raise the Bar in 2009!
2008 was a very tough year for my family and I. It was the comeback of the car accident that happened three weeks before Christmas. It then had its bright moments when Kaylei read those 500 books with us to earn a Nintendo DS. We believe that goals can be dreamed...believed...and achieved...no matter what age you are! Whether your seven or seventy, it can be done! So I invite all my friends to help me raise the bar in 2009! We are looking forward to a great year filled with the Boston Marathon and a 5k for cancer research! Thank you all for your support!
Today's Training
The training today was lovely to put it with some sarcasm. Roads are very sloppy and un-plowed. I had a one mile warm-up, 3 mile tempo run and a 1 mile cool-down. Tempo was run 3 miles in 21:01. Right on target! Which is hard running in this slop! Tomorrow I will be running out in Utica with Jeremy West! I'll fill you in tomorrow night!
Through snow, sleet, hail or slush, Keep on running!
Raise the Bar in 2009!
2008 was a very tough year for my family and I. It was the comeback of the car accident that happened three weeks before Christmas. It then had its bright moments when Kaylei read those 500 books with us to earn a Nintendo DS. We believe that goals can be dreamed...believed...and achieved...no matter what age you are! Whether your seven or seventy, it can be done! So I invite all my friends to help me raise the bar in 2009! We are looking forward to a great year filled with the Boston Marathon and a 5k for cancer research! Thank you all for your support!
Today's Training
The training today was lovely to put it with some sarcasm. Roads are very sloppy and un-plowed. I had a one mile warm-up, 3 mile tempo run and a 1 mile cool-down. Tempo was run 3 miles in 21:01. Right on target! Which is hard running in this slop! Tomorrow I will be running out in Utica with Jeremy West! I'll fill you in tomorrow night!
Through snow, sleet, hail or slush, Keep on running!
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